South East Website : News

South East of England Sporting 2016

South East of England Sporting Championship

Held at Southdown Gun Club on Monday 2nd May 2016


Good entry of 184 with the usual excellent targets on a fairly chilly day.

I was at another event so sadly there are no photographs.


The Champion with a mighty 97/100 was George Digweed

The Lady Champion with 84 was Hannah Gibson who tied with N. Gray

(neither were present at the end so a shoot off will have to be arranged at a later date)

The Junior Champion was P. Goldsmith with 85

The Colt Champion was Will Fenner with 76

The Veteran Champion was Ray Effamy with 76


Thanks go to Southdown Gun Club for holding this championship on behalf of the South East Region


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary