South East Website : News

South East of England Helice 2016

South East of England Helice Championship 2016

Held Sunday June 5th at Invicta Gun Club


Another cracking day at Invicta with brilliant weather and an extry of 39 competitors


The Champion was Andrew Vine from Sussex with the only score of 20/21

The Lady Champion was Dionne Rogers from Kent with 17/21

The Junior Champion was Fletcher King from Surrey with 19/21

The Colt Champion was Mason Rickard from Kent with 18/21

The Veteran Champion was Steve Cole from Surrey with 19/21

The Super Veteran Champion was Brian Metson from Kent with 18/21


The targets were excellent and the day ran extremely smoothly


Everyone had a good time and my thanks go to the team at Invicta for another successful championship


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary




Champion Andrew Vine



The Champions

Dionne Rogers, Steve Cole, Andrew Vine, Brian Metson,

Fletcher King and Mason Rickard