South East Website : News

South East of England Double Rise 2016

South East of England Double Rise Championship

Held at Mayland Gun Club on Sunday August 29th 2016


Lovely sunny day for this championship, rescheduled from May 22nd,

with an entry of 26 competitors


The Champion, who had left before the photographs,

was Tony Coulstock from Kent with 91/100

The Lady Champion was Karen Allen from Surrey with 67/100

The Junior Champion was David Argent from Essex with 72/100

The Colt Champion was Jessica Byard from Essex with 22/100

The Veteran Champion, who had also left before the photographs,

was Alf Hardes with 84/100


My thanks go to Mayland Gun Club for holding this Championship

on behalf of the South East Region of the CPSA


Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary


South East of England Double Rise

Lady Champion Karen Allen

South East of England Double Rise

Junior Champion David Argent

South East of England Double Rise

Colt Champion Jessica Byard