South East Website : News

South of England Down the Line 2016

South of England Down the Line 2016

held at Bisley Gun Club on September 4th


Good turnout of 45 guns and pleasant weather with the wind affecting the targets at times.


The Champion with 100/299 was Carl Flower from Sussex

(Carl had left the ground so there is no photograph)

The Lady Champion was Karen Allen with 97/284

The Junior Champion, shooting his first 100 straight, was Lewis Smith from Surrey with 100/294

The Colt Champion shooting a 12 bore for the first time was Maisy Logan from Essex

The Veteran Champion with 100/298 was John Malden from Kent


Terry Gazes also shot his first 100 straight

There was a good atmosphere and the shoot ran perfectly

My thanks go to Bisley Gun Club for holding this Championship on behalf of the

South East Region

Sandie Buckler

South East Regional Secretary


Lewis Smith, John Malden, Terry Gazes, Maisy Logan and Karen Smith