South East Website : News

South East of England English Skeet 2016

South East of England English Skeet Championship

Held N.C.S.C. on Sunday 23rd October 2016


Entry of 53 competitors

Sadly I was at another event but CPSA SER Vice Chairman Richard Weller was in control


Champion was Frank Arico
Lady Champion was Katie Hancock with 92
Junior Champion was Madeline Boyd with 81

Veteran Champion was Frank Arico


At the top of the leader board were four with 97, F Arico, AD Bennett, K Smith and PL Stanton-Hope but none remained until the conclusion of the event so no shoot off could take place.
So on count back the winner was Frank Arico and Runner Up was PL Stanton-Hope


Photos show that very few stayed to the end

Barry reading out the winners and David Dale collecting the Juniors badge on behalf of Madeline Boyd.
Congratulations to all the winners.


Richard Weller Vice Chairman South East Region