South East Website : News

Vacant Post of Regional Secretary

Vacant Post of South East Regional Secretary

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would be interested in the position of Regional Secretary taking over all or part of this role, or being a Discipline Representative.

Jo has already done most of the hard work for this year and has arranged dates for 13 Inter-County events, 9 South East Championships and 2 South of England events.  Jo the previous Secretary is happy to help with a hand over.

Jobs which could be split include

  • Receiving Team names for the Inter-Counties shoots,
  • Organising Meetings and Taking meeting minutes,
  • Co-ordinating Fixture Lists,
  • Keeping Website and Facebook upto date 
  • Reports for Pull! magazine.
  • Badges


Each of our nine Counties have the opportunity to elect two representatives to the South East Committee, so I urge the County Secretaries to ensure that you are represented and have your say.  We only have a few meetings a year, usually at Bisley but all available as a Zoom meeting with no travelling involved if your delegates prefer.

Discipling Representative for

  • Trap
  • Skeet
  • Sporting


If you are able to help or would like any more information, please contact 

South East Committee

or South East Region Director Peter Saich