NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Website : FITASC County Championship 2019

Orston SG was the venue for the FITASC County Championship on Sunday 30th June. The event was paired with Derbyshire which made for a good entry. There were 18 shooters from the County who battled it out in the sunshine. The County Champion Title was a tie between Robert Lowe and Elvin Lawson who both scored 77, as neither were at the ground for a shoot off it was decided by countback which gave Robert the overall title (and the Veterans HG) and Elvin the senior title win. In ladies it was Megan Gamble who took the prize with 63. Well done to all. Teams can be found on the county website for the Intercounties event at Highwaymans on the 14th & 15th of this month.

A big thank you to Dan & Emily for putting on a well run competition and an enjoyable FITASC course.


FITASC County Teams

East Midlands Inter-Counties Regional Championship at Highwaymans on September 14th & 15th

Seniors Veterans Ladies Juniors
Rob Denoon Andy Nicholls Megan Gamble No Team
Kevin Warner Barry Coleman Becky McKenzie  
Simon Davis Dave Sayer    
Elvin Lawson Philip Love    
Andy Brown      
Andy White      
Res - Paul Buckley