NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Website : Meeting Minutes
Notts AGM – 11/11/24 at 7.30pm
34th Charmian Opening Address Summary
Russ Hutton
Tom Clifford
Last Year's AGM Minutes
Proposed: Rob Denoon + Andy Cain
Matters arising - none
Graham Perdy
Mr. Thornhill
Stood for 1 minute of silence in their honour.
Chairman's Report – Carl Smith
Thanked the committee for their commitment, especially as most are working
and family people.
Noted the increasing difficulty in organizing teams and getting people to show
Attended almost all shoots as a county last year.
Lost Kyle due to an operation and Paul stepped in to record meeting minutes.
Andy stepped into the Treasurer role. A copy of the treasurer report is
available for viewing.
The individual team managers successfully organised travel for a dozen
people across the country with FITASC being the only discipline not entered.
Rob inquired about minimum person requirements for the discipline.
Credit given to those who attended any and all of the events, the commitment
is appreciated.
‘Have a go’ annual event raised £550 last year, increased to £660 this year.
Good weather contributed to a large number of younger participants. Goals of
the event:
Raise money.
Get people involved in sports.
Encourage participants to become advocates and promote positive
vibes in their local communities.
Hopefully next we will run two ‘Have a go’ events in the county involving
NDGC again, with the addition of Orston. These are all ran by the committee,
being another night people give up their time to support the sport and our
county. Thanks to Liv Stevens for her contributions on the night too.
Shooting numbers are declining due to increased costs: Fuel; Travel and;
price of Cartridges
Nottinghamshire CPSA membership decreased from 397 last year to 386 to
this. With the wider East Midlands decreasing by 137 in total over the same
Some of the issues with obtaining licenses due to
GP charges, over £200, for medical certificate.
Nottingham firearms are improving their management and have hired a
specialist case worker.
Following the Plymouth incident, social media posts are under scrutiny:
Police review social media during license renewals and applications.
Be cautious about what is posted online.
High note: Supreme sponsors acknowledged: Car Auto Care represented by
Rob Denoon; Clifford Heating: Tom Clifford; True Potential: Paul Buckley;
Bagforce: Bob Tucker; Countreeside: Rich Sanders
Director’s report – John Martin
New 3-year term for John has commenced
Membership Barriers:
Cost and Procedure: Discussed in context of membership
Chief Constable Meeting: 50% of forces back to 12 weeks approval
Mandatory Training for Police: Introduced a 4-day course supported by
NRA, BASC, CPSA; which must be passed to retain their job
Sponsorships for CPSA of £380k over a 3-year period from Eley with a new 3-
year contract to be discussed soon. Eley likely to renew next year. Also,
Winchester and Rozini with get involved in Worlds Championships too
3 positions/directorships up for renewal, only 1 person nominated per position,
so no vote required with the current holders being John Martin, Richard
Foulds – South and Richard Volance - Bisley Manager
Financial Overview
Savings: £13,500
Income for 2023: £3,549.92
Projected Income for 2024: £1,617
Outlay for engravings and new trophies: £1,503.50
Total Expenses: £3,603.42
Lead Issue
Awaiting Environment Agency passing recommendation to Defra with
submission likely completed by end of November 2024
The process to take about a year through Parliament
Licensing Guidelines
Police agreed to a fee of £175 for a 5-year period
Recent Labour election halted the bill passing through Parliament
Treasurer’s report
Balanced 2023 - £3,459.92 with 2024 income of £1,617 and purchases
(trophies, engravings) at £1,503.50 leaves a balance of £3,603.42 in the
county account.
• Reference to "treachery" in context of recent events
Existing committee now stands down with the following new committee members
appointed (Proposed / seconded)
Chairman: Carl Smith (Rob Denoon / Andy Cain)
Vice Chair: Rob Denoon (Andy / Paul Buckley)
Secretary: John Martin (Paul / Rob)
Treasurer: Andy Cain (Rob / Paul)
Committee Members: Tom Clifford, Rob Denoon, Russ Hufton, Kylie Cooper,
Liv Steven, Leonie (Orston), Paul Buckley (Rob / Gerry Stevenson)
East Midlands Committee representatives: John Martin, Carl Smith (Rob /
Any Other Business: AOB
When are County shooting dates decided? Usually in February, after Regional
meetings. Head Office decide the British and English Open dates. Then
East Midlands events, finally County dates are decided.
Important Consideration: Ensure county dates are set before East Midlands
dates to allow for team selection and installation in the event.
Promotion of county events: Information will be shared on social media and
Suggestion to get flyers for "Have a Go" displayed in the various grounds.
Communication: Once dates are finalized, HO will email all shooters and we
can include details in Pull magazine.
Next Meeting: Scheduled for 10 th November 2025, Monday for 7:30pm at
Nottingham & District Gun Club.
Meeting concluded at 20:15.
Vet: Andy Nichols
Supreme Champion: Rob Denoon
Ladies: Liv Stevens
Super Vet: Ken Rimington
Overall Supreme Champion: Kevin Warner
John Martin made the presentations with each receiving a: Trophy; Cap;
Jumper (engraved) and; Voucher for entry to respective events next year