Bedfordshire CPSA Website : Bedfordshire County Sportrap 2024

Bedfordshire Sportrap Championship 2024

Sporting Targets 19th May.



The County Sportrap Championships were held at Sporting Targets on Sunday 19th May.

The competition was shot over 100 targets using 4 layouts, Clubhouse, Basin, 122 & Skeet.

This year we had 12 Beds shooters with 5 Seniors, 1 lady & 6 vets.

Andrew Clifton & Bert Mason were Joint High Gun with 87 making them County Champions 2024, Steve Whinnet was Runner up with 82, Daryl Vas was 3rd on 74.

Becky Clifton took ladies HG on 80.

Paul Burgoine took Vets High Gun with 82, Will Hiller was Runner up on 78 and 3rd with 68 was Ian Porter.

Thanks to you those who came to shoot the championship, it was a good shoot with some tricky pairs, see you all soon.

Full set of results click here