Bedfordshire CPSA Website : Ian Clifton Trophy 2021

Ian Clifton Trophy 2021



                                   THE IAN CLIFTON TROPHY 2021

                                                 Final  Report


                   The winner of the 2021 Ian Clifton Trophy is:-

                                                Ian Porter

                   Runner up is

                                                Andrew Clifton

          The final was shot using the scores from the Jack Pyke 120 ESP run at Sporting Targets Limited between 30th June to the 4th of July 2021.

          The winning score of 96 is very high for a C class shooter so looks like heading for promotion soon.     

          The Ian Clifton Trophy has so far always produced different winners.

All Bedfordshire shooters please enter next year when pandemics allowing we hope to return to the full programme of shoots.

It may be your name is next on the trophy.

          Many thanks to all the referees and ground staff for all their efforts in every round in making what we hope you will consider to be a worthwhile competition.


For more information please see Beds CPSA website and Facebook.