Berkshire CPSA Website : Eligibility to win Berkshire Trophies
Each County Championship contested has its awards determined in the same way. (High Gun scores in each category and Class).
In order to win any Berkshire trophy, you must be a current fully paid-up Berkshire member of the CPSA. If you cease to be a member any trophy must be returned to the Committee.
Overall County Champion – Berkshire member with the highest overall score. (Male or female and of any age).
Lady Champion – Highest scoring Berkshire lady member. (This can be any age of lady from Colts to Veteran).
Junior Champion – Highest scoring Berkshire member under 21, (Colt and Junior, male or female).
Veteran Champion – Highest scoring Berkshire member aged 60 or over. (Male or female in the disciplines ESK, ESP, DTL, STR, and ABT). (Please note that the CPSA has allowed the use of Veteran at aged 55 and over in certain International disciplines).
Please check your eligibility to be in the Veteran category on the day.
Class Trophies – Highest scoring Berkshire member in each class, male or female. (Trophies in Skeet and Olympic Trap only at the moment)
(Rare Example - If we had and extremely good lady colt, and if at the end of the competition she was the highest scoring Berkshire member present, then she would win: Overall County Champion, Junior Champion, Lady Champion, Class Champion).
Each winner must engrave their trophy at their own cost, before handling it back to the Committee rep.
Each trophy must be signed for using the Berkshire Committee form.
It should be noted that promotion photographing of the trophies on the Championship day or presentation at the AGM, can only take place if the trophy is available, this could be due to trophies that are missing or not returned.
All money prizes paid out in Class (AA, A, B, C or D) is the remit of the hosting ground, and The Berkshire Committee is not responsible for these amounts or their distribution.
NH - Updated 20th March 2021 - (Engraving and Disclaimers).