KENT Website : 2011 AGM MINUTES



Friday 18th March, 2011,  at The Angle Centre, Tonbridge


PRESENT: Alfie Newman (AN), Johnny Walkers (JW), Sarah Quinn (SQ), Stella Hales (SH), Dave Amos (DA),  Gary Baldock (GB) and Gordon Lee (GL)

APOLOGIES: Maxine Arnold (MA)


On behalf of the committee the Chairman welcomed the Kent shooters, John Perry and Johnny Johnson from the CPSA.


The draft Minutes of the Meeting held on the 22nd February, 2011 were approved by JW and seconded by GB. 

AN the Chairman explained that there were copies of all relevant documents that we were to discuss tonight on chairs.


The opening balance at the beginning of 2010 was, 2337.00 and the closing balance is 2,346.35p.  AGM food is 100.00 which is slightly less than last year, because less food has been prepared making the current balance 2,306.17p. 

It was explained to Members that we are no longer getting the 300.00p from the South East Region.

Johnny Johnson explained that there was not enough in the coffers at the moment as the money mostly came from levies and various courses run by the region.  


There has been a change made to the DTL dates still to be held at Maylands, but on the 8th May 2011.

The Kent Helice Championships will be held on the the 5th  June at Invicta Gun Club.

JW asked whether Kingsferry Gun Club was prepared to purchase the badges bought by Kent for the Non-toxic Championship.  They said that they had already suggested it and will pay the Committee.

AN mentioned that Members should put their own names forward if they would like to shoot in a team.  He said that teams were not necessarily selected on highest scores, but also by those who showed interest and were keen.


Trophies for Kent Championships were handed to the following people:-

A.B.T.                                                          Henry Arnold       Senior
A.B.T.                                                         Tanya Kemsley      Lady
All Rounder                                               Tanya Kemsley      Lady
All Rounder                                                Nathan Hales       Colt
Double Rise                                                 David Amos        Senior
Double Rise                                               Tanya Kemsley      Lady
Double Rise                                                 David Amos        Veteran
Double Trap                                                 David Amos        Veteran
DTL                                                               Gordon Lee         Veteran
English Skeet                                               Sarah Quinn        Lady
English Skeet                                             Johnny Walker      Veteran
English Skeet                                              Nathan Hales       Junior
ESK Non-Toxic                                            Mark Chesson       Senior
ESK Non-Toxic                                           Johnny Walker      Veteran
English Sporting                                         Henry Arnold       Senior
English Sporting                                        Tanya Kemsley      Lady
FITASC                                                       Tanya Kemsley      Lady
FITASC                                                        Nathan Hales       Junior
Helice                                                         Nathan Hales       Junior
Olympic Skeet                                              Sarah Grey         Senior
Olympic Skeet                                              Sarah Grey         Lady
Olympic Trap                                               Gordon Lee         Senior
Olympic Trap                                               Gordon Lee         Veteran
Single Barrel                                             Tanya Kemsley      Lady
Single Barrel                                                David Amos        Veteran
Skeet Doubles                                             Sarah Quinn        Lady
Skeet Doubles                                            Hector Dallas       Veteran
Sportrap                                                    Kevin Howland      Senior
Sportrap                                                    Tanya Kemsley      Lady
Sportrap                                                  Norman Chesson    Veteran
Universal Trap                                          Tanya Kemsley      Lady.

John Perry from the CPSA presented the trophies and photos are on the website for those winners present to collect their prizes.

A list of achievements was read out for winners and potential winners.     
Shooter of the Year                                  Henry Arnold        Senior
Shooter of the Year                                  Sarah Quinn          Lady
Shooter of the Year                                  David Amos          Veteran
Shooter of the Year                                  James Attwood      Junior
Shooter of the Year                                  Nathan Hales         Colt.

Buffet then opened.

Raffle raised 96.00p.  Prizes supplied by the generosity of a few Kent Members.

Team badges were then presented to Team Captains.


All Committee Members stood down.   Alfie Newman former Chairman and Maxine Hales Member, were not prepared to stand again.

Stella Hales was proposed by Alfie Newman and seconded by Henry Arnold.

Johnny Walkers was proposed by Gordon Lee as Vice Chairman and seconded by Gary Baldock.

Gary Baldock was proposed by Gordon Lee and seconded by Stella Hales.

David Amos was proposed by Johnny Walker and seconded by Alfie Newman.

Sarah Quinn was proposed by Johnny Walker and seconded by Henry Arnold.

Norman Chesson was proposed by Alan May and seconded by Johnny Walker.

Regional Representitives are Johnny Walker and Gary Baldock.

Nobody stood for Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.


Jamie Brightman asked why Kent Championship are not all being held in Kent?  It was explained that not very many Clubs in Kent applied for Championship shoots and in the main where we could, the Committee awarded Kent Clubs the relevant Championships.  Forms were handed out to all Kent Clubs to complete and return with what Championships they wanted to hold.

Kingsferry have withdrawn their Club from holding any Championships.  Two of Kingsferry owners gave permission for the letter they had sent the Committee to be read out to the audience.

AN read out the letter and then explained that there appears to be a clash of personalities and that hopefully Kingsferry would review the situation next season.  He also explained that the Committee stand as a body and vote as such.  JW asked permission to speak, but Kingsferry would not give it.  Jamie Brightman  spoke and said that shooting was a hobby to be enjoyed, and both Clubs and Committee should be supporting each other, before all the Clubs in Kent disappear.

Chris Potter stood to ask that we move on as the AGM should be a celebration of achievements not a place to argue.


26th April, 2011 at The Ramada Hotel, (Nr Maidstone) at 7.30 pm