KENT Website : 2013 AGM MINUTES


meeting held on 2nd April 2013 Ramada Hotel Maidstone

Meeting Starts 7.30pm

Present: T. Greenwood, J. Walker, P. Kemsley, N. Chesson, G. Lee, S. Gray, N. Barnes. M. Wensley.

1. AGM: GL Said there were no pictures of Kent AGM in Pull. TG said the right had not been done

yet and RH did not know how to include photos for the magazine. Also pictures take up text space

requiring reports to smaller. It was agreed that a picture would be sent to go with the AGM write


SG said that the trophy registration needed revising as it was too slow on the evening. MW

suggested a method used by Cambridge, where a form is filled out by Championship winners on the

day of the event, and they sign for the trophy when collected at the following AGM. PK was

concerned about this method for Fitasc, which is contested over three days. TG said that the

committee would need ALL trophies returned before the AGM in future. MW suggested that

discipline reps start chasing the return of trophies 2 Months before the next AGM. TG wants the

names of trophy winners who fail to return trophies printed in Pull. PK said they would laugh. TG

also suggested the committee send an invoice for the cost of replacing trophies that are not

returned. NB asked if this was enforceable. TG said it was, but we did not want to do it. GL said the

trophies that D. Amos had, were now at Bisley

TG: We need to establish a list of who is owed a trophy and who still has a trophy but is no longer

entitled to it. SG will send a list of trophies to all discipline reps to fill any blanks. TG, SG and JW will

try to trace any other trophies. MW will obtain forms and distribute to discipline reps. TG proposed

that the committee adopt these ideas. The committee voted in favour.

2. 2013 AGM minutes: TG read out alterations to the 2013 AGM minutes. The revised minutes were

adopted by the committee.

3. Points raised at the AGM: Negative feedback from shooters about not awarding shooter of the

year trophies” was received. TG suggested the committee ask for nominations from shooters for

these awards. The request could be made through Pull” magazine. JW suggested that we collate

Championship results using a points system, to determine winners of shooter of the year trophies.

TG said that he would like to remove the responsibility for awarding shooter of the year” trophies

away from the committee, allowing Kent shooters to choose the winners. If no nominations were

received then the trophies would not be awarded. MW said members should give information

about their achievements, and the Supreme shooter of the year” should be awarded by

nomination from Kent shooters.

4. Lets get back to Kent please: C. Potter wanted the AGM to move away from a political discussion

and talk about Kent. TG explained to the committee, that the CPSA board was disregarding

legitimate points made by CPSA members. Of the membership fee paid (£62), £16 is for insurance.

The members are not receiving a good return for their money. TG believes that we should be

involved in politics at county level. He said that the articles have been found to be not fit for

purpose and are in the process of being changed as a result. JW will send minutes of regional

meetings to committee members. SG said we should discuss points from regional meetings. PK said

we should put papers about the region on seats at the AGMs.

5. Badges: TG said inter-counties full team badges should be supplied to all those in the team of a

discipline that has a selection shoot, as these provide sufficient funds to do so. Other disciplines will

be provided with a full badge for new caps. Thereafter a bar badge with the year on it will be


6. Region funds: TG would like ideas for what do with any funds from the SE region. PK said we should

sponsor Kent shooters for major competitions. TG said he would like some good ideas for the next


7. Other business: TG read out an email from Kent shooter Mr Mckeer. The committee agreed for a

response to his comments as read out by TG.

SG said that the money raised from the raffle was £190 although this had yet to be banked.

PK said that Ross Straker would be our nominated shooter at the Champion of Champions event at

the CLA game fair. NB would send nomination to CPSA HQ.

8. Region: The meeting closed with John and Tim giving a run down” of recent occurrences at both

the SE Region AGM and the main AGM held at Swindon.

At the SE Region AGM, Tim was publicly castigated and accused by Johnny Johnson, the SE Region

chairman, of accusing him of corruption based on information supplied to Mr. Johnson by the CEO,

MR. Nick Fellows. Tim denies this absolutely and has lodged an official complaint with the CPSA

board of directors against the CEO and Mr. J. Johnson. The committee gave Tim their complete


At the AGM, Mr T Bobbett was requested to stand down by the members present so that the

writing of the new articles for the CPSA would be overseen by the vice chairman. The proxy voting

form sent to all members with Pull magazine was decided by the strong legal representation of

certain qualified members at the AGM to be unsafe and challengeable as it had not been fully

explained in Pull that non-specific nominees would fall to the Chairman who could use them to vote

for himself for re-election, not just for the stated use regarding proxy votes.

New articles were promised to be available for discussion at both county and region committee

levels prior to an EGM to be held within 6 months for voting on by the full membership.


See meeting dates below


Minutes of meeting held on 27thMarch 2012 at Ramada Hotel Maidstone

Meeting Starts 7.30pm

Present: T. Greenwood, J. Walker, P. Kemsley, N. Chesson, G. Lee,      S. Quinn, S. Grey, N. Barnes. M. Wensley, D. Amos.

1. ApologiesN/A

2. Minutes of last meeting

     Proposed JW, seconded GL. Committee approved.

3. Chairman

     TG welcomed committee members and thanked them for their       hard work over the past year. He said that the committee had had a difficult year with a fluctuating committee and that mistakes had been made. TG now hopes that the past can be left behind and that committee will now be able to move forward with a positive attitude. TG thanked PK for his hard work with the sporting selection shoots which had been well attended. He also thanked JW for his recent work updating the Kent website.

4. Treasurer

     SG has just taken over from D. McConnachie and passed forms to TG and NB for verification of identity to become signatories for the Kent CPSA bank account. The last recorded figure was£2,986.91 at the 2012 AGM.



5. Badges

     JW said that badges had not been ordered for 2011. After investigation JW found Kent’s usual badge supplier and obtained prices for the coming year (£4.35 each). It was decided that the committee would order 71 Championship badges and 52 team badges, for the coming year. Any badges left over can be altered at a cost £1.75 each, that way ensuring that badges are not wasted if not awarded or are just surplus. TG suggested that we change the badge format. JW said it had been tried before and not worked. DA agreed with JW. Metal badges we also suggested but they were not popular, with most shooters preferring cloth badges.

6. Trophies

    GL said that many of the trophies in his care have not been shot for or claimed by the shooter winning them. Other trophies are still missing. One shooter (R. Cheshire) asked at the AGM where the trophy he won, was. GL has been tasked to make register of all Kent trophies and pass to JW to post on the website. TG will assist GL to find a register suitable for our use. It was suggested that any trophies no longer shot for, could be put to another use. Nothing was agreed in this respect. TG said that discipline reps should get names and addresses of championship winners. This would help us keep track of trophies, and allow us to send badges through the post if required. PK said he already had 47 contacts, but winners often leave shoots before the final results are known. DA has a form for participants to fill in and he will circulate this.




7. AOB

    JW said he had not received photographs of the AGM presentations from DA that he was to post on the Kent website. DA said he had sent them.                                                                                  PK said that the trophy for “colt shooter of the year” was not a fitting trophy for the title. It was suggested that an old trophy could be used in future.                    Mike Wensleyis to organize Kent Helice championship.

It was decided that “shooters of the year” will be decided at the meeting before an AGM. Nominations could be posted on the website. Discussions at a meeting nearer the end of the year. DA will pick a date for the double rise championship to be held at Mayland. DA said that selection procedures for this year’s inter-counties DTL are not good and that our team was weak as a result. TG said that the current selection for this year will have to stand, but the committee will review it again, later in the year. It was suggested that selection shoots should be only 2. MW said that 2 selection shoots would be a problem, and suggested selections should be made, based on an average over 5 shoots. SQ suggested that selection shoots were only needed for the more popular disciplines. TG suggested that levies for non-registered selection shoots should be £1.                                                                                                               Contrary to the above about DTL selection procedure, it has been decided that selections will be made by the submission of the best 2 scores from 3 grounds which will be posted on the website, and start from August 1st.

Date of next meeting: May 29th 2012 at 7.30pm.

Meeting closed 9.15pm.