ESSEX Website : AGM
Minutes from the Essex CPSA AGM held at Rivenhall Oak Golf Centre, Witham on Saturday 21st October 2023
The AGM had an attendance of nearly 100 people which was even better than the January 2023 AGM – thank you to everyone who attended and made it a great evening.
- Apologies for absence
Chris Orrin, Luke Riddington, Tracey Riddington, Harry Willis, Stuart Lodge, Bill Logan
- Minutes from Jan 2023 AGM
All in agreement they are accurate and correct. Proposed by Phil Moss and seconded by Mike Pickett
- Matters arising from previous minutes
As discussed at the previous AGM, we wanted the AGM to change to an awards evening as well as the AGM. Get back all trophies and start again which is exactly what has happened and the evening we are having tonight.
- Chairman’s Report
Todd had to resign as Chairman when his membership lapsed as he is due to move abroad, so with Jon being Vice Chair he chaired the AGM. Jon reported that the committee has been working hard to better the committee and has welcomed a few new members this year. Dave Billington, Ian Lockwood, Eddie Lockwood and Gary Bridger. We are now being currently represented in the PULL magazine with something in there every month which is much better than where we were 18 months ago. We have tried to ensure that as and where possible Essex attend as many intercounty events in all disciplines possible and we hope to have a greater presence in 2024. Jon went onto say thank you to all the committee members and all those for looking after their disciplines. Jon lastly said that the purpose of the committee is to encourage shooting in all disciplines where possible and if anyone has any ideas to put these forward to the committee.
- Treasurer’s Report
Luke wasn’t present so Jon done a brief round up of what’s happening on the finance side. The year end has not come around yet but as and when it does the accounts will be published onto the website. A lot of money has been spent this year on replacing missing trophies and getting them engraved so thank you to Glen and Nadine for helping with this. We have also spent extra money than normal on tonights AGM to incorporate the events evening.
- Committee Members Reports
Steve – DTL, SB, Helice, DR
Steve reported that the Essex Double Rise was to take place on Sunday 22nd October. Steve managed to get a whole Essex team together for the Helice South East Intercounties of which Jake Crockford won Colts overall so well done to Jake on that achievement. At the DTL National Intercounties at Mayland the Vets team won, Seniors were runners up as well as Juniors and the Ladies were 3rd.
Glen – Skeet, Skeet Doubles, All Round
Glen reported it had been a great year for Skeet in Essex. New shooter Lewis Feux had done very well individually as well as George and Dave Billington. The biggest achievement this year was the National Intercounties event at the National Shooting Centre where all teams won – Seniors, Vets, Ladies, Juniors and Colts.
Eddie – Sporting, Sportrap, Compak, FITASC, Super Sporting
Eddie reported that Essex put a team into the SE Intercounties this year and managed to come 3rd overall. He made a special mention to Stuart Clarke for coming 2nd overall at the British Open this year and to Nadine for coming 2nd in Ladies at the English Open Sportrap.
Jon – Olympic Skeet
The Essex champs and SE champs were held at Bisley this year. 4 people went to support Essex and put a team in of which Essex came 3rd.
Chris Banks – UT, ABT, OT
Chris Banks reported that the county champs were held in Feb and March at Nuthampstead. It was bitterly cold but ran well. Nice to see some new faces at the Championships such as the Lockwood’s. Managed to get a full team together for the fast trap Intercounties with the UT being the day after the AGM. The OT was held at Bisley and Essex came 2nd overall. Ian Lockwood shot well at the ABT individually however sadly the team overall didn’t place anywhere. Hilary and John Haas are happy to take over from Chris as he has now moved to Cambridgeshire so can no longer look after the disciplines in Essex.
- Election of Chairman
Gary Bridger was proposed by a few members of the committee
Proposed – Steve Carter
Seconded – Jon Willis
- Election of Vice Chairman
Dave Billington was proposed and happy to take on the role
Proposed – Steve Carter
Seconded – Nadine Gilder
- Election of Secretary
Nadine said she was happy to continue as Secretary and multiple members of the committee also proposed this
Proposed – Committee
Seconded – Jon Willis
- Election of Treasurer
Luke will be stepping down once the bank accounts are sorted so we have elected a new Treasurer as well. Jon Willis was proposed and accepted the role
Proposed – Nadine Gilder
Seconded – Phil Moss
- Election of the committee
The rest of the committee were all happy to remain as they are and with their relevant disciplines (Ian Lockwood, Eddie Lockwood, Phil Moss, Steve Carter, Glen Defreitas)
- Any other business
SC wanted to bring up about the cost of the AGM this year as others had come to him asking the question and if it was a good way to spend the money.
MB said the sport is dying and due to rising costs why should the committee spend so much money on the AGM evening when it could be put towards promoting the sport and getting more Ladies, Juniors and Colts involved.
JW came back and said this was a trial to see if it worked and how many people attended the evening to see if it was worth continuing. With Essex not having a ground or venue we can currently call home the cost of this will always be more until such a time comes.
BM said he disagrees with MB and said that social events like this are important and they bring back good rewards. It also gives shooters a chance to bring along family so they get an insight into the sport and what we do within in and whats involved.
A few others said they thought the AGM/Awards evening seemed like a success so far and that they didn’t have any issues with it. It is an evening out and the £10 charged for a ticket which was then converted into raffle tickets was a cheap night out compared to other evenings out.
Meeting closed at 8pm
Minutes from the Essex CPSA AGM held at The George, Newland Street, Witham on Wednesday 25th January 2023 at 7.30pm
There was over 60 Essex members at the AGM which on previous years is a fantastic turn out – thank you to everyone who attended!
- Apologies for absence
Dave Orrin, Mac
- Minutes from 2022 AGM
All in agreement they are accurate and correct. Proposed by Jon Willis and seconded by Phil Moss. There were no matters arising from them.
- Chairman’s Report
Todd didn’t have a lot to say other than well done to everyone who won in 2022 and who shot for Essex across all disciplines.
- Treasurer’s Report
Luke reported that currently there is a few issues with the bank account – mainly being switching over to electronic and needing a load of signatures. We will look to swap the bank accounts to another bank once this is sorted. Money in both accounts is still looking healthy and we have a total just shy of £10,000 in total and are still waiting for some levy money to come in. The most money each year goes to badges but hopefully this will reduce slightly with the new way in which we will be ordering the badges.
- Committee Members Reports
Nadine read out Chris Orrin’s report which covered Sporting, Fitasc and Super Sporting and the winners from the County shoots. Nadine then covered the All Round and Sportrap champs that were held at Clacton Gun Club.
Glen covered Skeet and All Round. Essex actually put in an All Round team in 2022 for the National Intercounties. Dave Billington won high gun and the Vets and Juniors teams were both winners. Essex won the South-East Intercounties Skeet Championship in 2022. 2022 was the year that Glen set up the 4 Counties Challenge. This consists of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Essex won the first challenge. Overall was a good year for Skeet and hopeful 2023 will be even better.
Steve covered DTL and Double Rise. Unfortunately the Helice champs ended up being cancelled but Essex shot well at Bisley for the DTL but not so well at Northampton.
Jon reported on Olympic Skeet. A championship went ahead in 2022 and we entered the Inter Counties. The CPSA can offer funding to help with regards to things like Olympic Skeet so this might be worth looking into. With regards to Juniors we are trying to look at some events that we can get Juniors and Colts into.
Chris Wright reported on UT and OT. Essex haven’t done so well in 2022 but have never missed a South-East Region Intercounty shoot as everyone is very competitive. Nuthampstead continues to be the best ground to hold the Championships as it is a premier ground.
- Iain Parker – CPSA
We were lucky enough to have Iain Parker from the CPSA join our AGM this year. Iain talked about changes that have happened or that are in the pipeline for the CPSA and the sport as a whole. The debate about steel and lead cartridges came up as well as the proposed name change from CPSA to CTSA. There was also a Q&A section – thank you Iain for attending, it more than made up for previous years where no one has attended so we appreciate it.
- Election of Chairman
No one stepped forward or got nominated to be Chairman. Todd was happy to do it again and was voted in again as Chairman.
Proposed – Mark Burrows
Seconded – Nigel Gilder
- Election of the committee
The committee were all happy to remain as they are, however Luke would like to step-down part way through the year when the bank accounts have been changed over to a new bank. Phil Moss came onto the committee and Dave Orrin resigned from the committee. Chris Wright although not officially on the committee is going to step aside and pass things over to Chris Banks who, going forward will do the reports etc for UT and OT.
Treasurer – Luke Riddington
Secretary – Nadine Gilder
Vice Chairman – Jon Willis
Committee Members
Chris Orrin, Phil Moss, Glen Defreitas, Steve Carter
- Any other business
The committee explained to everyone present that when it comes to the AGM we would like to do it differently. We have so many trophies missing and don’t always get a good number of people at the AGM we are wanting to change it to a presentation evening AGM where all trophies and badges are given out to all disciplines and winners. This will hopefully be an evening where parents and partners can be invited, food and drinks on offer as well as the normal raffle. This will hopefully then keep all trophies in check and they will all remain in 1 place. The date to get these trophies back will be decided at the next committee meeting.
We also have new Essex Clay Shooting Team clothing. This can be purchased from Personalise in Witham. They have a website and a mini shop dedicated to the Essex CPSA.
Meeting closed at 9.44pm
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM held on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at the White Hart in Witham
Committee members present
Nadine Gilder – Secretary
Dave Bignell – Vice Chairman
Luke Riddington – Treasurer
John Willis
- Apologies for absence
Nigel Gilder, Laurie Greenleaf, Todd Bridge, Ian Schwier, Glen Defreitas, Merv Howe, Mac, Stuart Clarke
- Minutes from 2020
These were the last minutes due to Covid and they were all signed off as accurate by John Willis and Dave Bignell and there were no matters arising from them
- Chairman’s report
Ian was not present but wanted to step down from the role
- Treasurer’s report
Luke confirmed there was virtually no income last year due to Covid but there is still just under £10,000 in the account so compared to most counties we are looking very healthy.
Covid has meant SE Region amount went from £1500 2019 to £250 2021.
We need new ideas of how we can spend our money rather than it just sitting there year on year.
The current account will be closed as an old account and all monies will go into a new account that has online banking.
- Committee Members Report
Dave Bignell wanted to thank Chris Wright for doing what he does and for his work when it comes to OT, UT and ABT.
All badges have been ordered and will be ready any time now.
John Willis who deals with Juniors and Colts wasn’t able to organise any taster days due to Covid restrictions but hopes to plan something for 2022. Southend Gun Club are keen to do something. Once organised dates will go on Facebook.
The biggest yearly expense is badges but in 2022 hopefully a lot of missing trophies will be replaced.
- Election of Chairman
Nadine Gilder has previously spoken with Todd and he was happy to be the new Essex Chairman. Nadine Gilder proposed and Dave Bignell seconded.
- Election of the Committee
All other committee member were voted in. Nadine, Luke, Glen and John to remain as they are with John also taking on Vice Chairman with Dave stepping down. Chris and Dave Orrin to come on as committee members and to take on Sporting, FITASC, Compak, Super Sporting, Sportrap. Steve Carter had already been accepted onto the committee before the AGM and is taking over DTL, Single Barrel, Double Rise and Helice. Chris Wright although not on the committee will continue to sort out the disciplines he deals with.
The SE Region levy is going up to £3, so should the Essex levy go up to £3 from £2 in 2022 – majority ruled no so this remains at £2 for the 2022 season.
Pull Magazine – Nadine bought this up but unfortunately no one in the room wanted to take it on.
Meeting closed at 21.13pm
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM held on Wednesday 29th January 2020 at the White Hart in Witham
Committee members present
Ian Schwier (Chairman)
Nadine Gilder (Secretary)
Dave Bignell (Vice Chairman)
Todd Bridge
Jon Willis
Lee Byard
Glen DeFreitas
- Apologies for absence
Cathy Curtis, Jerry Bland, Mac, Dave Butcher, Luke Riddington
- Minutes from 2019
The minutes from 2019 were all signed off as correct and accurate as a majority
- Matters arising from 2019 minutes
There were no matters arising
- Chairman’s report
Ian started his speech with reminding everyone that the first Sporting selection shoot was that weekend coming. He would like to welcome back Dave Bignell to the committee also.
- Treasurers report
Unfortunately, Luke was unable to attend, sadly meaning there were no finance figures to report although Dave Bignell did state that he believes the figures are mostly the same as last years and that the bank is still looking healthy.
- Committee members reports
Glen – Skeet
Glen reported that the National Intercounties went very well for the Essex Skeet Team. Vets, Colts and Ladies won 1st place, with Juniors being Runners Up. Glen presented all winners present with trophies and badges/medals. A lot of the shooters had coaching days with Allan Warren and so a massive thank you to him. Glen said he wants to make sure there are more Junior and Colt days coming up this year and get the selection shoots sorted also.
Lee – DTL
Lee said that unfortunately Essex did not come anywhere this year at Nationals in DTL like they have done in previous years, but a lot of Essex shooters did do well at the Krieghoff shoot in 2019. The year was a good one overall and the DTL team welcomed 3 new members as well. Good hopes for 2020.
Ian – Sporting/Fitasc/Compak/Sportrap
Ian reported that unfortunately Essex did not come anywhere at the 2019 National Intercounties but well done to any Essex shooters for any wins they did have throughout the year. It is likely that the 2020 Essex Champs for Compak will be held yet again at High Lodge, mainly because this is the only ground close by that offers the discipline. Clacton dates have been announced for all County Championships and can also be found on the website. The Fitasc Champs are likely to be sorted out later in the year when we know what grounds are available. Ian went on to congratulate Stuart Clarke for making the England Team last year as well. A special mention to Matt Coward-Holly as well who is an Essex Olympic Trap shooter and has been offered a place at the 2020 Olympics.
Jon – Colts and Juniors
Jon reported that the open day held at the Fennes was a success and well attended. It was a great day had by all and hopefully some will continue. There is interest coming from other angles as well and we are going to hopefully try and get them involved butt hank you to any parents who have been driving their kids round to these shoots. It was disappointing to find out that there was not a Colts category at the Intercounties. Colts are the future of the sport and without the Colts coming into the sport the sport would die very quickly. This should be bought to the CPSA’s attention so that there is Colts categories in the future, and it cannot go on without them. Jon and Ian agreed a letter would be written to the CPSA to voice this opinion.
- Election of Chairman
Ian was re-elected as Chairman – Todd Bridge proposed this, Dave Bignell seconded it.
- Election of the Committee
Everyone agreed and was happy for the current committee to continue as they are, and Dave Bignell was elected as Vice Chairman with Ian proposing and Lee Byard seconding.
- CPSA South East Region Director’s Report
We were lucky enough to have someone from the CPSA in attendance this year. These are the points talked about and raised.
- Juniors and colts – to bring up with the CPSA about badges and trophies for the younger generation as it means a lot more to them when they are only just coming into the sport.
- Lack of members a the AGM – assume that’s a good thing.
- County committees aren’t helped as much as they used to be and so that’s why I joined so that I could fight those corners.
- You can ask the CPSA to match funding for events, coaching, badges, trophies etc.
- The CEO of the CPSA is trying very hard to get more sponsorship for the larger events.
- Would be great if the CPSA could try and get more trade stands at the larger events rather than them being overrun by food stalls.
- Why doesn’t the top 20 include the Ladies category also rather than being just 10 Ladies when in particular in the Sportrap category there were 16.
- Ask the SE Region for the £500 funding
- All issues raised were to be taken back to the CPSA.
It was mentioned by Todd Bridge that there is a lot of trophies missing on the Sporting side of things and that they should be replaced. The committee agreed that these can in fact now be replaced.
If anyone has any reports or photos or just anything that could go in the magazine, please don’t hesitate to pass them onto to Ian who is currently doing this for Essex.
Sponsors for trophies – are local grounds willing to sponsor trophies for certain Essex events, please can they be asked. Can we set up a Just Giving page where a lot of small companies can sponsor small amounts which would then accumulate.
Contact Natwest to see if they would sponsor Colts and Juniors. They are known for sponsoring £400-£500 for smaller organisations/sports clubs.
Can the CPSA contact Essex shooters on our behalf for support for trophies, badges and anything else and something be put in Pull magazine to support this.
Todd Bridge said he is willing to pay for the Essex Sporting badges this year – Maldon Landscaping.
Barry Dobbs has said he can captain the Olympic Skeet team as well as sort the teams out for this coming year.
Try and get some more Essex Olympic Skeet shooters, Southend Gun Club has the range and is willing to let people come and give it a go to see if there is some interest.
Southend Gun Club is willing to put on a sponsored Colt and Junior day for Olympic Skeet which will hopefully bring some more interest to the discipline from the younger generation.
Olympic Skeet, Skeet, Skeet Doubles badges to all be sponsored by Tony Mihill this year.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm. Thank you to everyone that attended and contributed.