ESSEX Website : Side by Side
Essex Side by Side - HSC Spellbrook 2013
Pam Clarke took the Ladies' title at the 2013 side-by-side championship at Spellbrook.
Essex Side by Side - HSC Spellbrook 9th September 2012
Once again Side-by-Side enthusiasts gathered at Hertfordshire Sporting Clays to compete for the Essex Championship; it was a beautiful Indian summer's day with very little wind.
Grant Overson is presented with his County Championship trophy by Mike Lanshear
The 50 bird course shot over 7 stands was designed by Mike Lankshear over magnificent rolling farmland and offered all levels of gun a challenge including chandelle, battue, tower, driven and rabbit. Mike and wife Kathy own and operate the shooting ground and also run Field, Stream & Covert at Hatfield heath which is a shop specialising in all forms of shooting sports.
Many of those expected to do well again this year were disappointed as target after target slipped from their scores. Then along came young Grant Overson with a splendid 43 ex 50 to trounce the opposition and take the title - well done Grant. Runner-up in the competition was Michael Aldiss, well known Side-by-Side devotee and proprietor of the Essex Shooting School.
Michael Aldiss runner-up in the 2012 Side-by-Side
Steve Miller flanked by Kevin Walsh and Keith Masek
This event was organised by Mike Lankshear at Hertforshire Sporting Clays ground in Spellbrook. The competition ran to 70 birds and took place on a mostly dry day with the odd shower. We saw a very strong turnout with some 90 entries including O/U cards. The shoot offered some very well thought-through targets in keeping with both the landscape and the nature of the competition.
The Champion was Steve Miller who shot an unrivalled 61 ex 70 to take the trophy; Kevin Walsh and Dennis Kent tied for second place which was then awarded to Kevin on countback.
Marc Window receives his prize from Kath Lankshear
Michael Alldis of the
Phil Moss receives his prize from Kath Lankshear
A great day was had by all and, building on this year's experience, we now look forward to next year’s event and a gathering momentum as guns discover the competitive fun that Side-by-Side clay competition shooting provides. Surely a must-do event for next year's calendar.