ESSEX Website : Times Past 2017
Essex FITASC Championship - 25/26 November
On a bright but chilly day at Eriswell the county FITASC competitors we were well catered for with targets set by John Dyson. Oliver Wilde’s 90 set the early pace but this was short-lived as Stuart Clarke returned a 93 later equaled by Chris Orrin who won the championship with Stuart taking the vets title. It was a great day for June Speakman who shot a marvelous 85 for the Ladies’ title. John Price shot 91 for the vets title and Jerry Bland won the supervets with 82.
Further Skeet Successes
For the second time in 2017, and Essex Colt has won a major trophy. This time it was the turn of Tom McCluskey to take the title of National Inter-Counties Skeet Champion. He is pictured below with his trophy and badge - I'm sure he will treasure them for many years to come.
Additionally, the Essex Ladies came close to defending their title from 2016, coming in as runners-up in the same tournament.
See skeet-results for a full report.
Essex Compak Championship
On the 23rd Oct High Lodge shooting ground in Suffolk hosted the first Essex county Compak championship. Bright skies and gusting winds made for some testing and tricky targets set by Andy Copen. Oliver Wilde yet again set off at blistering pace with a rabbit target bouncing just as the shot was fired on his third layout denying him a 75 straight ,posting a 21 on the 4th layout finishing with a total score of 95x100 to secure him high gun and the championship title. John Price, a well known Essex shot and seasoned Compak competitor both at home and abroad, posted a fantastic score of 90 to give him the Veterans title. Many thanks to John Bidwell and his team at High Lodge for agreeing to host this event.
Essex Compak Champion Oliver Wilde
Veteran John Price
Lady Amanda Foster
Junior Mason Terry
The photo below shows Oliver Wilde being presented with his trophy by John Bidwell.
National Sporting Inter-Counties Tournament
The National Intercounties english sporting was held at Eriswell shooting ground in Suffolk on the 14th and 15th of October. Very unseasonable warm weather conditions, with temperatures getting up into the 20s, greeted competitors from all over the country who were testing their skills against targets set by Phil Moss who had set a wide variety of targets from floppy floaters to fast 1/4ing away simultaneous pairs off a tower which caught quite a few people out. Held over 14 stands, there was something there for all abilities.
Despite their best efforts Essex couldn’t quite get the team scores together to get a placing in the top 3, finishing in 7th place overall with Yorkshire taking top spot in the seniors. The Essex team consisted of:
Seniors Stuart Clarke
Oliver wilde
Adam Cocker (New Cap)
Chris Orrin
Keith Williamson
Lewis Steed
Ladies Nadine Gilder
Amanda Foster
Kathy Curtis (New Cap)
Juniors Ryan Dodds
Harvey Willis
Many thanks to all those who put the effort in to shoot for the team and a special mention to Stuart Clarke who shot a fantastic 94 which was the highest scoring team member and also took 3rd place overall.
Essex Sportrap Championship
On the 19th August glorious sunshine beamed down on Clacton gun club for the Essex county sportrap championship. A good variety of targets tested the guns with Oliver Wilde and Laurie Greenleaf tying for the title. Unfortunately Laurie was unavailable for a shoot off so the title went to Oliver.
Congratulations to the winners:
Essex sportrap champion Oliver Wilde
veteran Bill Goodchild
Lady Judy Lock
Many thanks to Andy Riva for hosting the event.
Essex Allround Championship
Oliver Wilde shot a fantastic 96 to win the 2017 Essex Allround Championship held at Clacton GC on the 14th October 2017. Despite the time of year, the weather was good for the event.
The third squad saw Essex shooter Oliver Wilde set the pace shooting 24/24/24/24: this proved the score to beat on the day, and could only be equalled by Pauline Chapman of Suffolk who won the Bellinger trophy for her efforts. It was nice to see junior and colts at this championship so well done to them. The full list of champions was:
- County champion Oliver Wilde 96
- Lady champion Pam Dorrington 74
- Veteran Champion Keith Williamson 89
- Junior Champion Harry Willis 66
- Colt Champion Mason Terry 72
Many thanks to Andy Riva and all at Clacton Gun Club for hosting this event.
Pictures below show (l to r) Mason Terry, Pam Dorrington, and Keith Williamson being presented by Dave Bignell:
John Bilbow wins Side-by-Side Championship
Easwick Shooting Ground hosted this year's side-by-side championship on the 30th September 2017, with the Herts championship run in parallel. John Bilbow, pictured right below with the shield and the 250 cartridge prize, took the title with 43 ex 50.
Thanks to Bob Parry for setting the course which included three simultaneous pairs, and to Leech and Son from Borham who donated raffle prizes which raised £70 for a local charity.
Essex Success at South Eastern Regional Inter-Counties Skeet
Two individual performances put Essex amongst the winners at the South Eastern Regional Inter-Counties Skeet Tournament held on the 24th September at the NCSC, Bisley. A fantastic 96 won Mason Terry the Colt's title, beating his father and others in the Seniors squad in the process, and Pam Dorrington's 93 secured her the Ladies' title. Both are pictured below receiving their commerorative badges from Johnny Johnson of the CPSA.
See skeet-results for further details and photos.
Change of Date for FITASC Championship
The date for the 2017 FITASC Championship has been changed and will now take place over the weekend of the 18th and 19th November. The venue remains the same - Eriswell.
Skeet Doubles Championship
Dave Billington (pictured below receiving his trophy from CPSA representative Richard Boutcher) took the 2017 Skeet Doubles Championship title with a score of 95 at Clacton on the 16th September. See skeet-doubles for a report, photos, and details of the other winners.
Phil Meyler takes OT Title
This year's Essex Olympic Trap championship was won by Phil Meyler, pictured below. See olympic-trap--otr for the report and more photos.
Essex FITASC Date Announced
This year's Essex FITASC championship will be held at Eriswell over the weekend of the 25th and 26th November. NOTE the change of date noted above.
Essex Side-by-Side Championship 2017
Following the unfortunate closure of the previous host club for the Essex (and Herts) side-by-side championship, it will now be held at Eastwick Shooting Ground on Sunday, 1st October 2017. The event will be run to CPSA guidelines but will be a non-registered competition. Anyone with a side-by-side would be welcome to come along and take part.
Essex vs. Suffolk Challenge 2017
The second challenge between the two counties took place at Barrow Heath on 20th August utilising an excellent sporting venue following the All-Round competition at Clacton Gun Club in 2016.
This challenge was created between the two counties, as they are in separate Regions and never meet in any CPSA competitions except at the Nationals events. The two counties are often found at each other’s county grounds and so it made sense to have a regular showdown.
Each year the competition alternates between the two counties with the host county being allowed to choose the discipline. There is no levee raised at this competition allowing it to run alongside any levied competition without causing issue. The top 5 scores from each county are totalled and highest wins.
Last year, Suffolk won the Title and Essex were keen to add their name this year. 148 competitors in total shot the event, 27 from Essex and 57 from Suffolk.
The top scores are below: -
Essex Suffolk
K Norfolk 91 SE Smith 93
I Schwier 90 P Thorrold 92
A Hannah 87 R Gooch 91
O Wilde 86 CWJ Willis 91
T Bridge 84 T Whomes 91
Total 438 458
Both Counties thank Barrow Heath for holding the event. It will be Essex turn to choose the venue and discipline for 2018.
Essex Sportrap Challenge
Glorious sunshine and blustery winds met competitors at Clacton gun club on 22nd of July for the Essex sportrap challenge. A steady stream of shooters came from surrounding counties throughout the day for the challenge but the score of 94 set by Oliver Wilde shooting on one of the first squads out in the morning held to take the title with fellow Essex shooter Stuart Clarke only 1 target behind, many thanks to Andy Riva of Clacton gun club for hosting the event.
S.E. Region Inter-Counties UT Tournament
Nuthampstead Shooting Ground hosted the 2017 South East Regional Inter-Counties Universal Trap Tournament. Essex did very well, missing out on top spot to Kent but finishing up in the runners up place. Well done to the team.
The results were as follows ie.
- Kent - 450/500
- Essex - 426/500
- Herts - 415/500
- Greater London - 413/500
- Oxon - 412/500
HG and Vets HG - Dick Fletton ( Oxon) 96/100
Essex Team scores: C. Wright - 92/100, M. Molossi - 87/100, D. Izzard - 86/100, D. Henshaw - 83/100, J. Haas - 78/100
DTL Updates
Please see dtl-results for reports on a number of recent trap discipline results, including details of an Essex team win in the long-running Chipperfield Cup. Reports from the South East DTL Championship, the Chipperfield Cup Team Trophy, the inaugral Billy Logan Memorial Shoot, and the Essex Single Barrel Championship can all be found there, together with photographs of the key players.
Pictured below are the triumphant Mayland DTL team with the Chipperfield Cup Team Trophy (from left to right: Lee Byard, Nicky Waghorne, Troy Petherbridge and Harry Hudson).
Essex Compaq Championship Date Announced
This year's Compaq County Championship will take place on the 23rd September 2017 at High Lodge.
Tense Shoot-off for the 2017 Essex Skeet Championship
Glen Defreitas and Trevor Hearn fought an intense battle in the late afternoon to shoot-off for the Essex Skeet Championship after tying on 98 each during the day. Glen finally came out on top after they tied on 24 after one full round of shoot-off and over a dozen pairs each in the centre stands.
Please see skeet-results for a more detailed report and photographs.
Pictured above, left to right: Glen Defreitas, Mason Terry, Tia Ayres, and Richard Boutcher all show off their trophies.
English Skeet Team Announced
The Essex team to compete in the South Eastern and National Intercounties English Skeet Championships has been announced. Please see skeet-selection for details.
Ivan Harvey Crowned 2017 Essex Olympic Skeet Champion
The Essex Olympic Skeet Championship was held at the Southend Gun Club on the 28th May and was won by Ivan Harvey. See olympic-skeet--osk for more details and a photo of the winner.
Essex Sporting Championship Date Announced
The Essex sporting championship will be held over the weekend of the 26th/27th August at Hepworth Hall.
Essex ABT Championship Results (28th May 2017)
The Bank Holiday weekend saw this year's ABT Championships, held at Dartford Gun Club. It was won by David Henshaw, pictured below. See abt for more details of the event and further pictures.
Essex and South East Trap Results (14th May 2017)
This Weekend saw a great set of results for the Essex and South East Trap Shooters with The SE Single Barrel Championship, Ladies DTL Team Selection and the Victoria Trophy taking place on Sunday 14th May at Mayland Gun Club.
Please see dtl-results and single-barrel for more details and photos.
First Skeet Selection Shoot
Sean Pipe leads the field in the 2017 Skeet Team Selection tables following the first selection shoot held on the 16th April at Dartford Gun Club. See skeet-selection for more details.
2017 Sporting Team Announced
The people who have qualified for the sporting team have all been contacted and and the team has been submitted the CPSA as follows - seniors: Stuart Clarke, Keith Williamson, Lewis Steed, Chris Orrin and Oliver Wilde; Ladies: Nadine Guilder; Colt: R.Dodd; and Junior: H. Willis. See sporting-results for more details.
Essex Trap Results (22nd and 23rd April 2017)
This Weekend saw a fantastic run of shoots and results for the Essex Trap Shooters with The Essex Helice Championship and Team Selection taking place on Saturday 22nd April at the A1 Shooting Ground in Barnet, the Essex DTL Championship and Team Selection on Sunday 23rd April at Mayland Gun Club and the South East Double Rise Championship also at Mayland Gun Club on Sunday 23rd April.
Essex Helice Championship – Sat 22nd April 2017 @ A1 Shooting Ground
With contestants in every category except Juniors, the Essex Helice shooters were joined by a number of GB Team and other Helice shooters for a tough competition on a somewhat chilly morning this Saturday at A1. Claudio and his team put on a brilliant event as always and some great scores were achieved, not least of which were the 2 straights achieved by the 2017 Essex Champion Graham Woodman and GB Junior, Fletcher King who never missed a thing all day. Graham was joined by Peter Hoare who was crowned Essex Veteran Champion, Bill Logan (Snr) Essex Super Vet Champion and Jessica Byard who won the Lady and Colt Categories to be crowned champion in both. The Essex Helice Team were selected form the 5 best scores for the Senior team, the highest scoring Vet, Super Vet and Colt and are conformed as: Graham Woodman, Lee Byard, Troy Petherbridge, Conner Logan, Phil Dyer, Peter Hoare, Bill Logan (Snr) and Jessica Byard and they will go on to compete at the ZZ intercounty shoot in September on behalf of Essex.
Essex DTL Championship – Sun 23rd April 2017 @ Mayland Gun Club
Another Great shooting day at Mayland Gun Club saw some tough competition for the Essex Championship and final selection shoot for the Essex DTL Team. Leading the charge on an early squad with a 99/292 was Troy Petherbridge who could not be bested and was eventually crowned Essex Champion, he was joined by Dave Lewzey who won the Veteran Category, David Argent who won Junior, Eve Groom as Lady and Jessica Byard as Colt Champion.
Essex DTL Team Selection – Sun 23rd April 2017 @ Mayland Gun Club
The Selection shoot for the Essex DTL Team, finished with the team selection (with Exception of the Ladies Category which is to be finalised at a later shoot due to holiday commitments) Being announced as follows: Lee Byard (Captain), Troy Petherbridge (Senior), Bill Logan (Senior), Roger Seeley (Senior), Shane Maynard (Senior), Dave Lewzey (Veteran), David Argent (Junior) and Jessica Byard (Colt).
South East Double Rise Championship – Sunday 23rd April 2017 @ Mayland Gun Club
Another Great competition that saw the 1st squad post a 97/100 and a 94/100 leaving something pretty tough to beat for the remaining contestants in the senior category. It did eventually prove too much, despite Vidas Zilionis putting in a very respectable 95/100 to take 2nd place and Push Lee Byards 94/100 into 3rd but not enough to stop Troy Petherbridge taking his 2nd championship of the day with his 97/100. Peter Hoare also secured his 2nd Veteran Title of the weekend as SE DR Vet Champion and Bradley Faulkner taking Junior Category while Jessica Byard secured her 5th title of the weekend as Ladies and Colt DR Champion making for quite a weekend for the dedicated young shooter. A big thankyou was owed by all to all the staff at Mayland for a brilliantly run day of shooting with nothing to cloud what was a great event for the Essex and SE shooters.
David Izzard Wins Essex Universal Trench Championship
The Essex Universal Trench Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 9th April 2017. The Champion was David Izzard (below) with a score of 90, whilst The Veterans Trophy went to Chris Wright with an 86. The Ladies Trophy was taken by Emma Ralph with 76.
See universal-trench for more of a report and to see some photos.
Four-way Tie in First Sporting Selection Shoot
Four people all tied on 92 at Southdown Gun Club in the first of three Sporting selection shoots - A. Cocker, S.M. Clarke, O. Wilde, and L. Steed. P Hayden is only a few shots back on that leading pack, with everything to play for at Badnock's Farm and Highwayman's over the coming couple of months. Please see sporting-results and sporting-selection-table for more details and the full results table so far.
Skeet Team Selection Shoot Dates Announced
The dates for the Essex Skeet Team selection shoots have been announced - see skeet-fixtures for more details
Trap Dates Announced
The dates for the following County Championship Trap events at Nuthampstead ShootIng Ground are as follows:
- Universal Trap - Sunday April 9th 2017
- Olympic Trap - Sunday September 10th 2017
Sporting Team Selection Dates Announced
The dates for the Essex Sporting Team selection shoots have been announced as follows:
12th Southdown gun club
26th Badnocks farm shooting ground , Essex CM07LD ,TEL 01621774038 / Mo 07899792289 please note this ground is FIBRE WADS ONLY
23rd Highwayman shooting ground
2 out of 3 shoots to count
Please note there will be a £2 levy fee on all the county sporting selection shoots