ESSEX Website : Committee Meetings
Essex CPSA
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 7th November 2018, 6:30pm
At the Fennes
1Members in Attendance
Richard Boutcher (RB) |
Secretary |
Ian Schwier (IS) |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington (LR) |
Treasurer |
Dave Bignell (DB) |
Oliver Wilde (OW) |
Nadine Gilder (ND) |
Jon Willis (JW) |
2Apologies for Absence
Todd Bridge.
Oliver Wilde |
Nadine Gilder |
Jon Willis |
Luke Riddington |
Richard Boutcher |
4Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted and there were no matters arising.
5Previous Actions
Dave Bignell |
Completed Completed Superseded by JW appointment |
Oliver Wilde |
Completed |
Ian Schwier |
Completed |
Nadine Gilder |
In progress |
Todd Bridge |
Complete Status unknown |
6County Team Selection
Skeet had had a relatively successful year, winning the S.E. Inter-counties and having success at colts level. DTL had missed out by one target in the nationals. However, the Sporting type team events had been disappointing.
Discussions about the selection process followed, with the conclusion that all but sporting would remain with the existing selection processes, but sporting would change away from selection shoots and would, instead, rely on the choice of a committee made up of OW, DB, NG, and LR.
7County Badges and Trophies
DB had purchased replacement badges for the ones ‘missing’ at the last meeting.
The following trophies had been identified as untraceable:
Compak Junior
LR will order replacement trophies
Action: LR
JW will set up a shared spreadsheet so that the recipients of every trophy can be recorded.
Action: JW
The accounts continue to run at between £10k and £11k. Most county levies have been returned, and a contribution of £500 has been received from the region.
9Pull! Magazine Deadlines
Once again, RB asked for committee members and anyone else to provide reports and photos of events that they attend. RB agreed to publish this request again on the website and in Pull! Magazine.
JW attends most major events and will supply photos. Action: JW
10Colts and Juniors
The committee welcomed Jonathon Willis as a new member of the team as ‘Colts and Juniors Development Officer’.
He has previously published a plan which had been accepted by the committee. There was much discussion on this topic as the members of the committee all believe that this is a key area for the future of the sport. JW will now put his plans into action and will report back on a regular basis.
IS had already booked the venue for the AGM – the White Hart, Newland Street, Witham, CM8 2AF at 7:00 for 7:30 on Tuesday, 5th February, 2019.
RB requested topics to be added to the agenda. Action: ALL
DB will retire from the committee with effect from the 2019 AGM.
RB will leave the committee at the 2020 AGM and a replacement secretary, webmaster, and Pull! Magazine editor needs to be found during 2019.
Everyone to ask for additional new committee members. Action: ALL
12Any Other Business
ND is to rebuild the Facebook presence from scratch. Once done, she will advise RB the address so that he can add a link to the website. Action: NG
RB had received a request to advise central CPSA of the details of the AGM.
Action: RB
12.3Trophy Designations
The designations of Championships have been changed, for example, Senior now represents what was Vets. The committee agreed to replace the centre plaques of the affected trophies; LR agreed to source and purchase these. Action: LR
Essex CPSA
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 4th April 2018, 7:00pm
At the Fennes
1Members in Attendance
Richard Boutcher (RB) |
Secretary |
Ian Schwier (IS) |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington (LR) |
Treasurer |
Dave Bignell (DB) |
Oliver Wilde (OW) |
Nadine Gilder (ND) |
Todd Bridge (TB) |
2Apologies for Absence
Glen Defreitas (GD) due to work commitments. Lee Byard did not attend.
Dave Bignell |
Oliver Wilde |
Nadine Gilder |
Todd Bridge |
Ian Schwier |
4Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted and there were no matters arising.
5Previous Actions
Dave Bignell |
Completed Completed Outstanding |
Oliver Wilde |
Completed |
Ian Schwier |
Outstanding (note further discussions) Completed |
6County Competition Reports
The competition dates have been set by the grounds and have been published.
7County Team Selections
Two sporting selection shoots had already taken place. The first of the skeet selection shoots start imminently having been arranged by GD.
8County Badges
DB had ordered all the badges and these had been delivered. However, two appeared to have gone missing and committee members were asked to check their stocks to see if they had been sent mistakenly. Action: ALL
If these cannot be located, DB will order replacements. Action: DB
RB distributed the CPSA Champions badges.
The whereabouts of the FITASC Vets trophy was in question. OW agreed to investigate.
Action: OW
The accounts are running at between £10k and £11k.
An additional two contributions from the CPSA East Region had been received, one for 2017 and one for 2018, each for £500.
10Pull! Magazine Deadlines
RB reported that the publishers of Pull! Magazine had been changed by the CPSA. As a result, some changes to deadlines and rules for submissions had been changed. Deadlines are as follows:
23rd April
22nd May
21st June
20th July
21st August
21st September
Reports for inclusion will need to be sent to RB a few days before each of these dates.
11Colts and Juniors – can we do more?
Jonathon Willis has asked to join the committee to get more colts and juniors involved. This was agreed in principle, but the committee asked to see some of his ideas to achieve this before formally agreeing it.
NG agreed to produce some flyers for distribution at the Essex Masters for DB and others to hand out. Hopefully this could also be used at the Fennes’ Young Shots event the following week. Action: NG
DB agreed to make contact with Felsted school who hold regular sessions at the Fennes.
Action: DB
A suggestion was made to call smaller clubs to establish what colts and juniors they have attending. No-one took this as an action – any volunteers? Action: ALL
12Any Other Business
12.1CPSA Attendance at Essex AGM
LR reported that John Offord is no longer part of the East Region CPSA, and Johnnie Johnson was unavailable to attend our AGM. A replacement for John is being sought.
12.2CPSA Promotion
No-one on the committee had shown an interest in accepting the CPSA Promotion offer.
NG reported that there are currently two Facebook pages for the Essex CPSA, one public and one which needs a request to join. This is not ideal and a single page would be better.
There was some discussion as to whether the single page should be public or not, with the conclusion that it should be public.
NG stated that she would remove both current pages and start again, transferring any existing subscribers to the new page. Action: NG
12.4OT Competitions
DB reported that OT was becoming increasingly popular, so please could a committee member be present at the OT competitions to present the trophies. TB agreed to do this. Action: TB
12.5County Team Skeet Vests
An e-mail had been sent round stating that the decision to impose skeet vests onto any person representing the county had been rescinded. RB pointed out that this had been agreed at two successive AGMs and with the resolution to do so voted in unanimously. This triggered a lengthy discussion about how to proceed with the following conclusions:
Prices would be sought by IS and TB from different Essex gun supplies shopsAction: IS, TB
The committee would then consider these and decide where and what to orderAction: ALL
Essex CPSA
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 1st November 2017, 7:00pm
At the Fennes
1 Members in Attendance
Richard Boutcher (RB) |
Secretary |
Dave Bignell (DB) |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington (LR) |
Treasurer |
Ian Schwier (IS) |
Oliver Wilde (OW) |
Glen Defreitas (GD) |
2 Apologies for Absence
None. Lee Byard did not attend, and GD apologised for late arrival due to work commitments.
3 Actions
Dave Bignell |
Oliver Wilde |
Ian Schwier |
4 Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted and there were no matters arising apart from:
The actions regarding social media had been completed
The action regarding Asif Mitha had been carried out
The ‘code of conduct’ was discussed once again; IS to find the price for skeet vests
OW to collect Highwayman’s levies.
5 County Competition Reports
Almost all had successfully run by the time of the meeting. Congratulations were extended to Oliver Wilde for winning three sporting type county trophies during 2017.
6 County Team Tournament Results
At the senior level, 2017 had been a disappointing year despite the county having strong teams on paper. However, Mason Terry had won the S.E Inter-Counties Skeet colts championship and Tom McClusky had won the National Inter-Counties Skeet colts championship. The Ladies team were runners-up in the National Inter-Counties Skeet championship. Congratulations to them all.
7 County Badges
DB is waiting for an order for the remaining 2017 badges to be delivered and will distribute them when available.
It was agreed that all potential badges should be ordered early for 2018.
8 AGM Venue and Date
The date was set as either the 6th or 7th February 2018 at 7:30 for 8:00 depending on venue availability.
IS to investigate the possibility of using a venue in Witham.
9 Finances
The accounts are running at between £10k and £11k.
DB to pass over the levies from Clacton.
OW to send LR details of Highwayman’s and Compak at High Lodge.
10 Colts and Juniors – can we do more?
The committee agreed to propose the following at the AGM – pay £50.00 towards the costs of any colt or junior shooting to represent the county.
The cost of entry (birds-only cost) is already offered to colts and juniors entering any county event.
Scholarships were considered but rejected as too difficult to operate and too costly investing into one person.
11 Any Other Business
11.1 Return of Trophies
OW suggested that county trophies should be signed for so that they could easily be traced. The difficulty would be ensuring that the record is at the correct venue for each event, so it was agreed that this would work for the events held at Clacton.
11.2 FITASC and Allround Teams
The FITASC team was all arranged, but the event date was changed at short notice and there was no availability for the Sunday, so no team participated.
Likewise, the Allround team was arranged but the date was changed, and people could no longer make the event.
It was agreed that OW would take responsibility for these teams next year, with assistance as requested. A short list would be drawn up and the committee would then decide the final team.
11.3 Supersporting county championship
A proposal was made to hold this event at High Lodge in February or March. Although this is not a CPSA discipline, it was felt that it would be a good addition to the calendar.
11.4 Memento trophies for championship winners
OW proposed providing memento trophies to county event winners. This was considered but rejected as costly for no real benefit, and badges are already provided as mementoes.
11.5 Essex vs Suffolk Tournament
It is Essex’s turn to host this event. Various disciplines were considered – DTL, skeet, skeet doubles, 50 DTL and 50 Double Rise, etc. No conclusion was made.
11.6 Chairman
DB announced that he is considering standing down as Essex Committee Chairman. However, the committee members present agreed that he continues to do a good job and would appreciate him staying on.
Essex CPSA
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 27th June 2017, 8:00pm
At the Fennes
1. Members in Attendance
Richard Boutcher (RB) |
Secretary |
Dave Bignell (DB) |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington (LR) |
Treasurer |
Ian Schwier (IS) |
Lee Byard (LB) |
Oliver Wilde (OW) |
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted and there were no matters arising apart from a question regarding sponsorship which is covered under AOB of these minutes.
4. County Championship Arrangements
· Compak – date now set for 23/09/2017 at High Lodge
· Essex vs. Suffolk Challenge – date and venue to be decided by Suffolk as last year’s winners
· FITASC – will be held at Gideon’s Lakes. Date to be advised
· Sporting National Inter-Counties Championship will be at Eriswell. Date to be advised
5. County Teams
· Sporting team has been selected and the participants advised
· Skeet published on the day of the meeting and participants advised.
· ZZ team is based on County Championship results
· FITASC team based on CPSA averages
· All-Round – DB to select the team based on the results at Clacton
6. County Badges
Various county and CPSA badges were distributed at the meeting. Badges for Compak, ZZ Team, and Skeet Colts are needed which will be ordered by DB. DB to be advised if any other badges are required.
7. Olympic Skeet
No specific suggestions were made to attempt to improve attendance at next year’s Olympic Skeet County Championship, other than trying to improve publicity for the event.
8. Side-By-Side Championship
The offer for this to be held at the Eastwick Shooting Ground was accepted by the committee with RB to inform them of the decision (since done).
It was decided to provide badges for the Champion only with any others to be ordered and issued after the event.
9. Website
In general, it was accepted that the website was functioning in a satisfactory manner within the constraints of the supplied software. RB has plans (post retirement?) to try to add some more dynamic and eye-catching functions if a technical way of doing so can be found (embedding HTML code into the software?).
The wider social media question is being addressed. OW asked “Clint” to set something up on Facebook and Lee has been using that to publish material. However, LB doesn’t have full access rights so OW will put him and Clint in touch to resolve the issues.
10. AOB
RB raised the issue of Asif Mitha who has been listed as a committee member for several years but has not attended any meetings (or even shot as far as we can tell) for some time. Asif had asked to be removed from the committee but then agreed with RB to stay on to assist with social media for the county. However, this doesn’t seem to have materialised so it was proposed to remove him from the list of committee members. This was agreed by the committee so RB will do the necessary to remove him,.
LR asked about the sponsorship that was discussed at the previous meeting, but IS reported that the original lead had gone cold. IS will see if something can be resurrected for next year.
There was discussion of a ‘code of conduct’ for team members, including the insistence on the wearing of county skeet vests purchased by the team members. This was agreed. RB needs details of the code of conduct to be provided so that they can be published on the website.
Levies were discussed: These have been received from Badnocks Farm and Southdown. OW to collect from Highwayman’s. The levies will be used to pay towards that discipline in some way provided they raise sufficient funds to be meaningful.
11. Next Meeting
RB to arrange a date in late September, after the 21st, by which time most events for the county will have finished.
12. Close
The meeting closed at approximately 22:00.
Essex CPSA
Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 29th March 2017, 7:00pm
At the Fennes
1. Members in Attendance
Richard Boutcher (RB) |
Secretary |
Luke Riddington (LR) |
Treasurer |
Ian Schwier (IS) |
Lee Byard (LB) |
Oliver Wilde (OW) |
2. Apologies for Absence
Were received from Dave Bignell (away in Australia) and Glen Defreitas (working). RB read out a statement from Dave.
3. Welcome
As this was the first committee meeting for some time, several new members were welcomed and thanked for their contributions to the essential work of the committee.
Meeting frequency was also discussed and it was agreed that these would take place at approximately three-month intervals, in spring, summer, autumn, and just before the AGM.
4. County Championship Arrangements
RB ran through the dates for the different disciplines and these were all agreed.
LB confirmed that the Helice championship would be held at the A1 shooting ground.
OW reported that the South East Inter-counties sporting tournament will be held at the Southdown SG on the 7th May.
LB reported that there would be no Double Trap championship this year. Since the discipline had been dropped from the Olympics, interest has waned.
5. Team Selection
Sporting selection is in progress with one further round to go (Highwayman’s). The first round at Southdown had been well attended and a great success; the second round at Badnock’s Farm had experienced some issues with a lack of referees, competitor number conflicts and some issues with knowing how each stand should be shot.
Skeet selection shoots have been organised by Glen Defreitas and start on the 16th April.
LB reported that the trap disciplines select based on shooters’ recorded results during the course of the season.
6. County Badges
RB has received sixteen CPSA championship winners’ badges. If the various discipline leaders let him know their requirements and home addresses, he will post on their requirements.
Other, county, badges will be sourced as required from our usual supplier, Personalized in Witham. These orders can be invoiced directly from Personalized to LR.
· IS will order for the English Sporting and Fitasc championships.
· It is assumed that Dave Bignell will order for the Clacton championships (including the All-Round).
· It is also assumed that Glen Defreitas will order for the skeet disciplines
· LB to order for the trap disciplines
7. Website
OW pointed out that the ‘Former Glories’ pages for sporting and trap have not been kept up-to-date for the last couple of years. RB agreed to make these updates, but also pointed out that all the prior news reports are available by year from the ‘Times Past’ navigation option.
8. AOB
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the use of county levies and the proposed sponsorship sourced by IS. The latter follows on from the agreement reached at the AGM that requested the committee to investigate and decide the approach.
The conclusions of the committee were:
· County levies will be used to subsidise competitors at the inter-counties’ tournaments for the disciplines that raised the funds in the first place
· Sponsorship will be used to part or fully fund county skeet vests that will be retained by the individuals. These will include the year the person represented the county and this will be added to where they are selected again in future years. LB will provide details of the skeet vests used by the trap teams, and IS will consider whether to use the same supplier
9. Close
The meeting closed at approximately 21:00.
Minutes of the Essex CPSA Committee Meeting, held at Fennes, Braintree,
at 19.30 hours on Wednesday 29th January, 2014
Members present
Luke Riddington Vice-Chairman
Dave Bignell Representing ESP
Richard Boutcher Representing Skeet
Darren Sweeney Representing Skeet
Nadine Gilder IT
Terry Harris Secretary
Apologies received from:-
Kevin Walsh
Asif Mitha
Matters arising from the previous committee meeting of 20th March 2013
Nothing of note
- LR advised that the ACM has been set for Wednesday 19th February, 20.00 hours.
- NG will post this on the website and Facebook.
- TJH will prepare a suggested agenda, for approval.
- Raffle prizes are required.
- Neil Wilcox will give a talk on the progress at Helena Romanes School, which we have sponsored.
- LR will get someone from the S.E. region to come along also, and speak.
Website maintenance
NG intends to resign from the committee, but Richard Boutcher offered to try to take on the job.
"PULL" magazine reports
RB offered to have a go at this also - NG will liaise with RB accordingly.
County Badges Generally now sorted:-
- Essex side-by-side winners, held at Spellbrook, will be given badges .
- DB will sort out Stuart Lodge (Essex A/ R winner at Clacton in July 2013)
Updated accounts will be available for the AGM.
- Helena Romanes School will continue to attract our sponsorship .
- Adequate additional funding is in place for a 2014 Young Shots day.
- ESP & FITASC championships to be held again at Hepworth Hall, dates TBA.
- ESP County selection shots to be held Barrow Heath & Dartford - LR to arrange.
- Skeet championships to be held at Parkford, and at Dartford .
- DB to sort out Sportrap/ ABT/ AR/Skeet & Skeet Doubles at Clacton.
- We hope that Chris Wright will continue to organise competition dates (and teams) for SER Counties OT, ABT, & U.T.
- Essex Championship dates, at Nuthampstead, are:-
UT 02.03.14
OT 04.05.14
ABT 25.05.14
(once again organised by Chris Wright).
Next Meeting
TBA - probably around 19th/ 20th March 2014.
Minutes of the Essex CPSA Committee Meeting held at
Fennes, Braintree, at 20.00 hours on 20th March 2013
Members present
Luke Riddington - vice-Chairman
David Binney - representing Sporting
Richard Boutcher - representing Skeet
Darren Sweeney - representing Skeet
Nadine Gilder - I.T.
Terry Harris - Secretary
Apologies received from:-
Kevin Walsh, Bill Logan, Scott Greenfield, and Asif Matha.
Matters arising from the previous committee meeting of 23rd January 2013
Nothing of note.
Minutes of the AGM, held on 6th February 2013
These were approved in principal, and Nadine will get them posted to the website.
NB. The Minutes will be formally approved, or otherwise, at the next AGM.
Nadine Gilder will cross-check the ‘results’ summaries with those results already posted to the website.
(i) TJH handed over the “County Champion” badges, as received from CPSA head office.
(ii) LR will ensure that there are sufficient trophy badges, with dates, for each of our disciplines this coming year.
Junior Sponsorship
(i) DS reiterated the importance of encouraging the youngsters, and after discussion, it was accepted that we should sponsor any youngsters competing in :-
Essex championships
County team events
National/Inter-County/SE Regional events
(ii) Entry costs would normally be paid by the competitor, and reclaimed from the Essex CPSA.
(iii) any additional events requiring sponsorship will have to be approved by the committee, but this can be done by e-mail so as to speed things up.
Events for 2013
(i) RB confirmed that Skeet events are ‘sorted’ and published.
(ii) ESP & FITASC nationals are scheduled for June/July at Hepworth Hall - final dates still to be confirmed.
(iii) as far as is known, nothing else outstanding, or still to be organised.
Calendar of Events
NG confirmed that all was in order, on the Essex CPSA website. LR & NG will cross-check dates with the main CPSA site
Temporary absence of Kevin Walsh (from his duties as Chairman)
(i) NG & KW to liaise, particularly in matters affecting the website.
(ii) LR & DB agree to be “co-Acting Chairmen”, to deal with and field queries/e-mails arising from our membership. DB will talk to KW regarding access to the Essex CSPSA e-mail folders.
NB. NG to update the website accordingly.
(iii) DB will cover Sportrap & FITASC at Clacton.
RB will cover Skeet events.
LR will check that Bill Logan is OK to cover ZZ events, and that Chris Wright is OK to cover for the ABT at Nuthampstead on 21st April 2013.
PULL Magazine
NG will prepare the usual submissions (Essex reports), but needs some help. RB offered his services.
Social Media & NetWorking
RB to talk to Asif Natha, who has offered his expertise in this area.
(i) DS has obtained a generous private sponsorship for Skeet team shirts, and cartridges for the Juniors & Colts.
NB. Team photos please, and to be forwarded to Nadine.
(ii) TJH can obtain a sponsorship of £500.00 to help support Young Shots Day/s.
(iii) Ground owners should also be approached for sponsorships/s.
Any other business
(i) RB has e-mailed a voting request, following complaints received, on the use of Parkford/Clacton/Dartford for future Skeet events (any of those locations, or a combination of them may be selected).
(ii) a ‘needle’ match, Essex -v- Suffolk, possibly Sportrap at Clacton, was suggested - perhaps involving Norfolk & Cambridge as well - DB to organise.
Next meeting
TBA - probably around October.
Minutes of the Essex CPSA Committee meeting held at the Fennes on Wed 28th March 2012.