ESSEX Website : Times Past 2016
Essex Ladies Triumph Again
The Essex ladies did it again by becoming the national inter-counties champions at Allround. The team of two, Judy Lock and Pam Dorrington, won by a clear five targets over the second place team from Northants, with Judy taking the individual ladies high gun.
The senior team of Paul Brewster, Chris Orrin, Lewis Steed, Laurence Greenleaf, Robert Humphreys and Adam Cocker Tried their best to retain the title but were just pipped to the post by Suffolk and the 2016 champions Northhants so well done to them.
The Veteran team of Bob Cooper, Peter Humphreys and Dave Bignell came in second to Bedford. Bob Cooper shot like a champion beating his PB on the ABT by three targets.
Well done to all who took part and thanks to Martine and all at Northampton GC for making the day so enjoyable.
Essex Ladies Take Skeet Inter-Counties Title
The ladies team of Judy Lock, Diane Boutcher, and Pam Dorrington (pictured below) won the National Inter-Counties Skeet Ladies' title at Doveridge over the weekend of 15th & 16th October 2016. Their best two scores from Pam and Diane, both 92, counted to give them the win by one shot from Gloucester.
The men's senior team (pictured below) of Dave Pummell (who kindly stepped in following a last minute cancellation by a team member unable to make it), Chris Theobald, Ian Matthews, Keith Williamson, Dave Billington, and Glen Defreitas, shot reasonably well for a respectable 11th place overall, with Dave Billington shooting a very good 98 the best result from the team.
Sadly, the county was unable to enter veterans, colts, or junior teams in this event.
Committee Member Changes
The committee wishes to thank Paul Burrows who has decided to resign from the committee for personal reasons. He has been a very active and valued member of the committee and his input will be missed.
Fortunately, Oliver Wilde has agreed to join the committee and we look forward to working with him.
Essex Fourth in S.E. Regional Inter-Counties Olympic Trap Tournament
The Essex senior team of Chris Wright, John Haas, Dave Henshaw, Phil Meyler, and Marco Pullen shot a combined 402 ex 500 for a fourth place overall in the South East Regional Inter-Counties Olympic Trap tournament held at NCSC Bisley on the 16th October 2016. Emma Ralph came second in the ladies championship with 65 ex 100. Vet, Peter Lunn, came fourth in his class.
Essex Vet wins S.E. Regional Inter-Counties FITASC Tournament
The Essex senior team of Ian Schwier, Luke Riddington, Nigel Gilder, Laurie Greenleaf, and Steve Miller shot a combined total of 394 to secure fifth place in the South East Regional FITASC championship held at Southdown Gun Club over the weekend of 15th and 16th October 2016. Lady competitor, Tracey Riddington, shot 75 for third place in the ladies tournament and vet Ian Schwier was the highest in his class with 82 to take the veteran's title.
Clarification on Levies
The committee has been advised that issues have been raised regarding the charging of county levies at certain events. We would like to clarify that allegations of non payment of levies by Barrow Heath in 2015 were incorrect & no levy charge was ever requested by the Essex committee due to an oversight by the committee at that time, and the Essex CPSA committee apologises to Phil Moss & all at Barrow Heath for any distress which may have been caused.
Essex Lady wins South-Eastern Inter-Counties Skeet Championship
Diane Boutcher shot 96 ex 100 at the NCSC (Bisley) on Sunday, 25th September 2016 to win the 2016 SE Regional Inter-Counties Skeet Tournament. Dave Billington shot 98 ex 100 to be joint highest gun in the competition but sadly lost out in the shoot-out. See skeet-results for a full report and photos.
National Inter-Counties ESP Tournament
The National inter-counties sporting championship was held at the Highwayman shooting ground in Suffolk over the weekend of the 24th and 25th of September. The shoot comprised 100 targets shot on either day but on both days the ground was battered by strong gusting winds making the targets ever more tricky and catching a lot of even the more experienced shots out.
The ever consistent Ian Schwier tackled the course on Saturday morning returning to the club house posting a very solid 86 which was to remain the highest score out of the Essex team. Our neighbours, Suffolk, claimed the top spot with a score of 432 ,Essex came in 5th place with a score of 397. Unfortunately only 7 counties entered teams for the event yet there were over 260 individual entrants over the weekend.
A special mention to Amanda Foster on being selected to shoot for the county for the first time - well done Amanda!
A big well done to Simon Smith of Highwaymans shooting ground for putting on a first class shoot that ran smoothly over the two days
The Essex team:
Ian Schweir 86
Oliver Wilde 85
Laurie Greenleaf 78
Nigel Guilder 75
Phil Dyer 73
Paul Burrows 72
Nadine Gilder
Judy Lock
Amanda foster
No vets
No juniors
No colts
Chris Rose is Skeet Doubles Champion 2016
The Essex Skeet Doubles
Championship held at Clacton Gun Club on the 17th September was won by Chris Rose with a fantastic 96 in tricky, windy conditions.
See skeet-doubles for more details, other winners, and photographs.
Chris Rose, 2016 Skeet Doubles County Champion
Oliver Wilde wins Essex Open Sporting Championship
The Essex and Hertfordshire county sporting championships were held at Hepworth Hall over the weekend of 10th and 11th of September. The late summer weather meant that glorious sunshine with a fresh but warm southerly breeze greeted the competitors over both days.
John Dyson Set a challenging but fair course running over 12 stands comprising of tricky angles and deceptive speeds. 96 of the 190 entries were shooters from Essex attended. Shooting in the late morning on Sunday, Oliver Wilde's 93 took the Essex Sporting Championship title, two targets better than Chris Orrin. Oliver dedicated his victory to to the late Paul Buckley.
Essex County Sporting Champion: Oliver Wilde 93
Runner-Up: Chris Orrin 91
Ladies Champion: June Speakman 79
Juniors Champion: Daniel Fenner 71
Veterans Champion: Frank Haigh 86
Oliver Wilde, Essex Sporting Champion, 2016
Essex Third in SE UT Inter-Counties
The Essex team of Dave Izzard, Phil Meyler, Dave Henshaw, John Haas and Peter Lunn scored a total of 414/500 to take third place in the 2016 South-East Inter Counties tournament held at Nuthampstead GC on 21st August. See universal-trench for a more detailed report.
2016 Essex Sportrap Championship
Chris Orrin is the new Essex Sportrap champion for 2016, the shoot was held at Clacton Gun Club on 20/08/16. The four 25 bird layouts were set by Andy Riva and with targets of the highest standard, and a high wind that got stronger and stronger as the day progressed proved to be a challenge to all who took part. So thanks to Clacton Gun Club for holding the shoot.
Champion Chris Orrin 91
Veteran Champion Bob Cooper 89
Lady Champion Nadine Gilder 69
Essex Third in SE ABT Inter-Counties
The Essex ABT team took a creditable third place in the recent ABT South-Eastern Inter-Counties Championship. The team can be seen here showing off their natty new sponsored shirts from Essex Audi.
Troy Petherbridge takes Double Rise Championship
A fine 93 ex 100 won the 2016 Double Rise Championship for Troy Petherbridge, pictured below, on Sunday 14th August at the Maylands Gun Club. See double-rise--d-r for more details and photos.
Another Olympic Bronze
The Essex Committee would now also like to extend their congratulations to Steve Scott on his Double Trap bronze medal at the Rio Olympics - another fantastic achievement for British shooting! Congratulations and commiserations too go to Tim Kneale on his fourth place in the same event.
Olympic Bronze
The Essex Committee would like to extend their congratulations to Ed Ling on his Trap bronze medal at the Rio Olympics - a fantastic achievement!
Lee Byard Wins Single Barrel Championship
Lee Byard was almost faultless to score 98 in the Essex Single Barrel Championship held at the Mayland Gun Club on the 31st July 2016. See single-barrel for a more detailed report and photos.
Inaugral Essex vs. Suffolk Challenge Trophy
On August 29th at Clacton Gun Club there will be an addition to the normal Essex Allround challenge this year. Essex and Suffolk CPSA have arranged a trophy for the best five guns from each county to have their scores added together, and the County with the highest total will have the trophy and the glory until the next challenge, the date, venue and discipline (skeet, sporting DTL, etc.) will be chosen by Suffolk CPSA. We hope to have at least two shoots per year so one will be in Essex and one in Suffolk and so on, and we hope to cover as many disciplines as we can.
More Sad News
John Haas wins OT Championship
The Essex Olympic Trap Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 17th July 2016. This year's champion was John Haas (pictured below) on 92. See olympic-trap--otr for more details and photos.
2016 Essex Allround Championship
The Essex Allround Championship took place at Clacton Gun Club on Saturday 9th July. Andy Riva once again set a testing sporting layout and the event proved that this discipline is becoming more popular.
2016 Essex FITASC Championship
The Essex FITASC championships were held over the weekend of the 9th/10th July. Results were:
Champion Ian Schwier
Veteran Ian Schwier
Lady Tracey Riddington
Junior Daniel Fenner
Thanks to John Dyson at Hepworth Hall for holding the event.
Fourth Place for Essex Sporting Team
The Essex Senior team of Laurie Greenleaf, Paul Burrows, Phil Dyer, Nigel Gilder and Luke Riddington came a respectable fourth place overall in the S.E. Region Inter-Counties Sporting Championship with a total score of 413. Nadine Gilder shot 77 in the Ladies' championship to finish in second place just one shot behind the winner.
Sad News
I am sorry to report the sad loss of two well known Essex shooters, Paul Buckley and Brian Taylor. Both will be sadly missed on the shooting scene. Our thoughst are with their families at this difficult time. Once we have more info on their funerals they will be published here.
Tense Skeet Shoot-Off
Glen Defreitas held his nerve to take the Essex Skeet Championship in a tense shoot-off with Ray Simmons after both scored 97 ex 100 in their normal rounds. See skeet-results for a full report and photos.
Essex Third in DTL SE Inter-Counties
Essex managed a sound third place in the 2016 DTL South-East Region Inter-Counties DTL Tournament. Kent won the event with a very good 496/1468, with Greater London second on 485/1424 and Essex third just one point behind on 485/1423. Essex's Bill Logan won the Veteran's title with 95/278 - congratulations to him.
Sporting Team Selection Update
The final team to represent the county at sporting has been announced. These can be found at sporting-selection-table.
Sporting Date Announced
The Essex English Sporting Championship will be held at Hepworth Hall over the weekend of the 10th and 11th of September.
Tense shoot out at ABT Championship
Peter Hoare won a tense shoot-out to take the ABT Championship at Darford on the 12th June. Having both shot 90, he managed to hold his nerve to take the title from Dave Bignell. See abt for the full report and pictures of the winners.
Ivan Marzocchi Takes County Olympic Skeet Championship
Ivan Marzocchi shot 80/100 to win the 2016 Olympic Skeet Chamoionship, just two ahead of Barry Dobbs who won the vets title. See olympic-skeet--osk for more details and photos.
FITASC Championship - Date Announced
The Essex FITASC Championship will be held over the weekend of the 9th and 10th July at Hepworth Hall. The event will be combined with an England team selection shoot.
ABT Championship - bookings required
The Essex ABT Championship date has been set for the 12th June 2016 at Dartford GC. Please book your squad times directly with the ground.
Chris Wright Wins Universal Trench Shoot-off
The Essex Universal Trench Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 15th May 2016. The title was won by Chris Wright following a shoot-off with David Henshaw. See universal-trench for a report of the event and some photos.
Paul Brewster leads Skeet selection
Paul Brewster shot an excellent 98 to lead the field after the first of three Skeet Team Selection shoots held at Clacton GC on Saturday the 14th May 2016. The weather was dry but mostly overcast and with some blustery wind making people have to think carefully about each of their targets, probably the reason there were no straights on the day.
G DeFreitas is close on Paul's heels only one behind on 97, with A Goodchild, R Boutcher, and K Norfolk sharing 96 just behind. Judy Lock is the leading Lady at the moment having shot an 86.
The next two of the three selection shoots (with the best two to count) are at Parkford on the 11th June and Dartford on the 19th June. Everything is still to play for for anyone keen to get into the team for the regional events later this year.
Dave Lewzey takes Essex DTL Title
Dave Lewzey dropped only one target on his way to the Essex DTL Championship title. See dtl-results for details and photos of the other winners.
DTL Team Announced
The Essex DTL Seniors team for 2016 will be led by Lee Byard as captain, and comprises himself, Toby Bean, Troy Petherbridge, Eddie Mills, and Dave Lewzey. Veteran will be WIlliam Logan, Eve Groom is the Lady representative, and David Argent and Jessica Byard are Junior and Colt representatives respectively. We wish them all every success at the Regional Championships being held at the Mayland Gun Club on the 26th June.
Essex Hosts Major Sporting Event
Essex is proud to have been hosts to some 2,200 shooters at this year’s Essex Gun Masters tournament. Held from the 5th – 10th April, this event is set up and run by John Dyson and Martin Hunable over 200 targets at Hepworth Hall. This year’s winner was George Digweed.
Essex Lady Moving up the Rankings
Victoria Humphreys took silver at a recent Olympic Skeet GB selection shoot, moving her up in the rankings to fourth place. We wish her every success in upcoming events and hope that she can continue her rise up the rankings.
Lee Byard wins Essex ZZ Championship
The first county championship of 2016 was held at the A1 Shooting Ground on the 12th March where Lee Byard won the ZZ discipline championship. See zz-helice for more details and a photograph of the champions.
DTL Championships Date Change
Please note that the date of the Essex DTL Championship has been changed and is now the 8th May 2016.
Various Dates Announced
Please check the fixtures page for a number of new dates announced at both Clacton and Nuthampstead Gun Clubs - county-fixtures-2016
Essex ZZ Championship Date
Essex Sporting Team Selection Date
Olympic Skeet County Championship announced - Note - date correction!
Southend Gun Club has announced a date for your diary - the Essex County Championship will take place at their grounds on Sunday, 29th May 2016 from 10:00am.
In Memoriam
We are sad to announce the loss of two well known Essex shooters who will be sorely missed around the Essex shooting scene.
Brian Carrington died after a long battle with ill health just before Christmas and Fred Robinson died suddenly on 11th January.
Our sympathies go out to their families.
Please also see /south-east/ser-calendar-2016 for Southern and South Eastern Regional fixtures, and https://www.cpsa.co.uk/calendarx for the central CPSA events calendar.
Sporting |
Skeet |
Trap |
ESP FSP STR Compaq A/R |
Feb |
9 |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
AGM - Royal Oak, Gt.Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX |
27/28 |
Mar |
5/6 |
12/13 |
Essex County ZZ Championship - A1 Shooting Ground, 12th March |
19/20 |
Essex Team Selection Shoot - Southdown GC, 20th March 2016 |
26/27 |
Apr |
2/3 |
9/10 |
16/17 |
23/4 |
30 | ||||||||
May |
1 |
7/8 |
Essex DTL Championship and Team Selection - Mayland GC, 8th May |
14/15 |
Skeet Selection Shoot - Clacton GC, 14th May |
Essex Universal Trap Championship - Nuthampstead,15th May |
21/22 |
28/29 |
Olympic Skeet County Championship - Southend GC, 29th May |
Jun |
4/5 |
11/12 |
CANCELLED Skeet Selection Shoot - Parkford GC, 11th June |
ABT County Championship - Dartford GC, 12th June |
18/19 | Skeet Selection Shoot - Dartford, 19th June | |||||||
25/26 |
Essex Skeet (Steve Todd) & County championship - Clacton, 25th June |
Jul |
2/3 |
9/10 |
Essex All-round Championship - Clacton, 9th July |
9/10 | Essex FITASC Championship - Hepworth Hall, 9th & 10th July | |||||||
16/17 |
Essex Olympic Trap Championship - Nuthampstead, 17th July |
23/24 |
Essex Sportrap Challenge - Clacton, 23rd July |
30/31 | Single Barrel Essex Championship - Mayland GC, 31st July | |||||||
Aug |
6/7 |
13/14 |
Double Rise Essex Championship - Mayland GC, 14th August |
20/21 |
Essex Sportrap Championship - Clacton, 20th August |
27/28 |
29 | Essex All-round Challenge - Claction, 29th August | |||||||
Sep |
3/4 |
10/11 |
Essex English Sporting Championship - Hepworth Hall, 10th/11th September |
17/18 |
Essex Skeet Doubles Championship & Time Convoy Cup - Clacton, 17th September |
24/25 |
Oct |
1/2 |
8/9 |
15/16 |
22/23 |
29/30 |
Nov |
5/6 |
12/13 |
19/20 |
26/27 |
Dec |