ESSEX Website : Previous Years
Minutes from the Essex CPSA AGM held at The George, Newland Street, Witham on Wednesday 25th January 2023 at 7.30pm
There was over 60 Essex members at the AGM which on previous years is a fantastic turn out – thank you to everyone who attended!
- Apologies for absence
Dave Orrin, Mac
- Minutes from 2022 AGM
All in agreement they are accurate and correct. Proposed by Jon Willis and seconded by Phil Moss. There were no matters arising from them.
- Chairman’s Report
Todd didn’t have a lot to say other than well done to everyone who won in 2022 and who shot for Essex across all disciplines.
- Treasurer’s Report
Luke reported that currently there is a few issues with the bank account – mainly being switching over to electronic and needing a load of signatures. We will look to swap the bank accounts to another bank once this is sorted. Money in both accounts is still looking healthy and we have a total just shy of £10,000 in total and are still waiting for some levy money to come in. The most money each year goes to badges but hopefully this will reduce slightly with the new way in which we will be ordering the badges.
- Committee Members Reports
Nadine read out Chris Orrin’s report which covered Sporting, Fitasc and Super Sporting and the winners from the County shoots. Nadine then covered the All Round and Sportrap champs that were held at Clacton Gun Club.
Glen covered Skeet and All Round. Essex actually put in an All Round team in 2022 for the National Intercounties. Dave Billington won high gun and the Vets and Juniors teams were both winners. Essex won the South-East Intercounties Skeet Championship in 2022. 2022 was the year that Glen set up the 4 Counties Challenge. This consists of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Essex won the first challenge. Overall was a good year for Skeet and hopeful 2023 will be even better.
Steve covered DTL and Double Rise. Unfortunately the Helice champs ended up being cancelled but Essex shot well at Bisley for the DTL but not so well at Northampton.
Jon reported on Olympic Skeet. A championship went ahead in 2022 and we entered the Inter Counties. The CPSA can offer funding to help with regards to things like Olympic Skeet so this might be worth looking into. With regards to Juniors we are trying to look at some events that we can get Juniors and Colts into.
Chris Wright reported on UT and OT. Essex haven’t done so well in 2022 but have never missed a South-East Region Intercounty shoot as everyone is very competitive. Nuthampstead continues to be the best ground to hold the Championships as it is a premier ground.
- Iain Parker – CPSA
We were lucky enough to have Iain Parker from the CPSA join our AGM this year. Iain talked about changes that have happened or that are in the pipeline for the CPSA and the sport as a whole. The debate about steel and lead cartridges came up as well as the proposed name change from CPSA to CTSA. There was also a Q&A section – thank you Iain for attending, it more than made up for previous years where no one has attended so we appreciate it.
- Election of Chairman
No one stepped forward or got nominated to be Chairman. Todd was happy to do it again and was voted in again as Chairman.
Proposed – Mark Burrows
Seconded – Nigel Gilder
- Election of the committee
The committee were all happy to remain as they are, however Luke would like to step-down part way through the year when the bank accounts have been changed over to a new bank. Phil Moss came onto the committee and Dave Orrin resigned from the committee. Chris Wright although not officially on the committee is going to step aside and pass things over to Chris Banks who, going forward will do the reports etc for UT and OT.
Treasurer – Luke Riddington
Secretary – Nadine Gilder
Vice Chairman – Jon Willis
Committee Members
Chris Orrin, Phil Moss, Glen Defreitas, Steve Carter
- Any other business
The committee explained to everyone present that when it comes to the AGM we would like to do it differently. We have so many trophies missing and don’t always get a good number of people at the AGM we are wanting to change it to a presentation evening AGM where all trophies and badges are given out to all disciplines and winners. This will hopefully be an evening where parents and partners can be invited, food and drinks on offer as well as the normal raffle. This will hopefully then keep all trophies in check and they will all remain in 1 place. The date to get these trophies back will be decided at the next committee meeting.
We also have new Essex Clay Shooting Team clothing. This can be purchased from Personalise in Witham. They have a website and a mini shop dedicated to the Essex CPSA.
Meeting closed at 9.44pm
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM held on Wednesday 29th January 2020 at the White Hart in Witham
Committee members present
Ian Schwier (Chairman)
Nadine Gilder (Secretary)
Dave Bignell (Vice Chairman)
Todd Bridge
Jon Willis
Lee Byard
Glen DeFreitas
- Apologies for absence
Cathy Curtis, Jerry Bland, Mac, Dave Butcher, Luke Riddington
- Minutes from 2019
The minutes from 2019 were all signed off as correct and accurate as a majority
- Matters arising from 2019 minutes
There were no matters arising
- Chairman’s report
Ian started his speech with reminding everyone that the first Sporting selection shoot was that weekend coming. He would like to welcome back Dave Bignell to the committee also.
- Treasurers report
Unfortunately, Luke was unable to attend, sadly meaning there were no finance figures to report although Dave Bignell did state that he believes the figures are mostly the same as last years and that the bank is still looking healthy.
- Committee members reports
Glen – Skeet
Glen reported that the National Intercounties went very well for the Essex Skeet Team. Vets, Colts and Ladies won 1st place, with Juniors being Runners Up. Glen presented all winners present with trophies and badges/medals. A lot of the shooters had coaching days with Allan Warren and so a massive thank you to him. Glen said he wants to make sure there are more Junior and Colt days coming up this year and get the selection shoots sorted also.
Lee – DTL
Lee said that unfortunately Essex did not come anywhere this year at Nationals in DTL like they have done in previous years, but a lot of Essex shooters did do well at the Krieghoff shoot in 2019. The year was a good one overall and the DTL team welcomed 3 new members as well. Good hopes for 2020.
Ian – Sporting/Fitasc/Compak/Sportrap
Ian reported that unfortunately Essex did not come anywhere at the 2019 National Intercounties but well done to any Essex shooters for any wins they did have throughout the year. It is likely that the 2020 Essex Champs for Compak will be held yet again at High Lodge, mainly because this is the only ground close by that offers the discipline. Clacton dates have been announced for all County Championships and can also be found on the website. The Fitasc Champs are likely to be sorted out later in the year when we know what grounds are available. Ian went on to congratulate Stuart Clarke for making the England Team last year as well. A special mention to Matt Coward-Holly as well who is an Essex Olympic Trap shooter and has been offered a place at the 2020 Olympics.
Jon – Colts and Juniors
Jon reported that the open day held at the Fennes was a success and well attended. It was a great day had by all and hopefully some will continue. There is interest coming from other angles as well and we are going to hopefully try and get them involved butt hank you to any parents who have been driving their kids round to these shoots. It was disappointing to find out that there was not a Colts category at the Intercounties. Colts are the future of the sport and without the Colts coming into the sport the sport would die very quickly. This should be bought to the CPSA’s attention so that there is Colts categories in the future, and it cannot go on without them. Jon and Ian agreed a letter would be written to the CPSA to voice this opinion.
- Election of Chairman
Ian was re-elected as Chairman – Todd Bridge proposed this, Dave Bignell seconded it.
- Election of the Committee
Everyone agreed and was happy for the current committee to continue as they are, and Dave Bignell was elected as Vice Chairman with Ian proposing and Lee Byard seconding.
- CPSA South East Region Director’s Report
We were lucky enough to have someone from the CPSA in attendance this year. These are the points talked about and raised.
- Juniors and colts – to bring up with the CPSA about badges and trophies for the younger generation as it means a lot more to them when they are only just coming into the sport.
- Lack of members a the AGM – assume that’s a good thing.
- County committees aren’t helped as much as they used to be and so that’s why I joined so that I could fight those corners.
- You can ask the CPSA to match funding for events, coaching, badges, trophies etc.
- The CEO of the CPSA is trying very hard to get more sponsorship for the larger events.
- Would be great if the CPSA could try and get more trade stands at the larger events rather than them being overrun by food stalls.
- Why doesn’t the top 20 include the Ladies category also rather than being just 10 Ladies when in particular in the Sportrap category there were 16.
- Ask the SE Region for the £500 funding
- All issues raised were to be taken back to the CPSA.
It was mentioned by Todd Bridge that there is a lot of trophies missing on the Sporting side of things and that they should be replaced. The committee agreed that these can in fact now be replaced.
If anyone has any reports or photos or just anything that could go in the magazine, please don’t hesitate to pass them onto to Ian who is currently doing this for Essex.
Sponsors for trophies – are local grounds willing to sponsor trophies for certain Essex events, please can they be asked. Can we set up a Just Giving page where a lot of small companies can sponsor small amounts which would then accumulate.
Contact Natwest to see if they would sponsor Colts and Juniors. They are known for sponsoring £400-£500 for smaller organisations/sports clubs.
Can the CPSA contact Essex shooters on our behalf for support for trophies, badges and anything else and something be put in Pull magazine to support this.
Todd Bridge said he is willing to pay for the Essex Sporting badges this year – Maldon Landscaping.
Barry Dobbs has said he can captain the Olympic Skeet team as well as sort the teams out for this coming year.
Try and get some more Essex Olympic Skeet shooters, Southend Gun Club has the range and is willing to let people come and give it a go to see if there is some interest.
Southend Gun Club is willing to put on a sponsored Colt and Junior day for Olympic Skeet which will hopefully bring some more interest to the discipline from the younger generation.
Olympic Skeet, Skeet, Skeet Doubles badges to all be sponsored by Tony Mihill this year.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm. Thank you to everyone that attended and contributed.
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM
Held Tuesday, 5th February 2019
At the White Hart, Newland St, Witham CM8 2AF
Committee Members Present
Ian Schwier |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington |
Treasurer |
Richard Boutcher |
Secretary |
Glen DeFreitas |
Dave Bignell |
Oliver Wilde |
Lee Byard |
Jon Willis |
Nadine Gilder |
Todd Bridge |
1.Apologies for Absence
Were received from: Patrick “Mac” McLaughlin, Kathy Curtis, Jerry Bland, John Wilmott, Troy Pretherbridge, and Diane Boutcher.
2.2018 AGM Minutes – Matters Arising
There were no matters arising so approval of the minutes was proposed by Ian Schwier, seconded by Dave Bignell, and accepted unanimously by the members.
3.Chairman’s Report
Ian Schwier thanked the members for their attendance at the AGM and for continuing to support the sport. He emphasised that the committee members are here to help. He stated that there had been very few issues and complaints during the course of the year.
Mention was made of the newly instigated Essex Compak tournament and that there are plans to add further disciplines during the coming years.
Dave Bignell was thanked for all his time and efforts on the committee over many years as he stands down with plans to go on a sabbatical, travelling the world for an indeterminate time. We all wish him well on his travels!
Ian went on to thanks the committee members for their continued support and contributions to the running of the county’s shooting interests. He noted that there was once again no representation at our AGM from the CPSA regional or national offices.
Finally, he thanked the ground owners and suppliers of the raffle prizes.
4.Treasurer’s Report
Luke Riddington distributed the current summary of accounts for the county, highlighting recent contributions amounting to £1,500 from the regional committee. The accounts still show healthy balances and a slight increase in funds held in account.
There being no specific questions regarding the accounts, Richard Boutcher proposed that they be accepted, Ian Schwier seconded, and the members voted unanimously for their approval.
5.Committee Members’ Reports
5.1Sporting Disciplines
Oliver Wilde reported on the various sporting disciplines.
The S.E. Inter-counties took place in May and Essex entered a full team. The seniors came seventh overall. The national inter-counties took place at Orston. In general, Essex ha da disappointing tournament but Ryan Dodd won the Colts overall title – congratulations to him.
The Essex FITASC team took fourth place overall in the inter-counties championship, but they were only four points behind the winning score. Ian Schwier won the S.E. Inter-Counties senior and vets titles.
Essex shooters had a good event at the English Open Compak at Orston. Mattew Bone scored 99/100 and then took 3rd place in A Class after a five-way shoot-off. Stuart Clark was second in the seniors and John Price won the Veteran’s trophy.
Ian Schwier was selected to represent England.
It is proposed to run a ‘Champion of Champions’ this year, based on scores at selected county events.
The committee has decided that there will be no sporting selection shoots this year and a sub-committee will select the team based on recent performances leading up to each county team event.
5.2Trap Disciplines
Lee Byard reported that the Essex DTL team had come second to Kent by only one shot overall in the inter-counties. A full team apart from a Junior had represented the county at this event. This year that gap will be filled.
Exactly the same result was reported for the Helice championship.
Lee himself has again made the England team – congratulations to him on his selection and we wish him well in the championships.
Dave Bignell reported on the annual competition between Essex and Suffolk which this year was held in the DTL discipline. Another very close-run thing came down to the last shot of the day, sadly won by Suffolk.
The day was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone involved and we look forward to whatever discipline Suffolk choose to compete in this year. Dave thanked the Mayland Gun Club for hosting the event.
5.4English Skeet
Glen Defreitas also reported a good year with increasing participation in the discipline and team success, winning the S.E. Inter-counties for the first time in many years and taking several individual titles at the event: Peter Stanton-Hope winning overall with a straight 100 and wins in the Colts and Vets categories.
Unfortunately, these successes could not be repeated at the National Inter-Counties with the exception of the Colts which was won by Tom McCluskey.
5.5Olympic Skeet
Barry Dodds reported that 2018’s Olympic Skeet championship was very poorly attended, and that it was important to encourage new blood into the discipline.
Various proposals were made to try to help with this: increased publicity on the Essex Facebook site (Nadine Gilder); organising a ‘have a go’ day, maybe combined with a barbeque to encourage family attendance; Essex CPSA contribution to costs of these events.
Southend Gun Club runs Olympic Skeet every other Sunday throughout the year as well as other disciplines.
ABT is run every year by Chris Wright and this discipline is generally left to its own devices without committee involvement. It was suggested that the Southend G.C. could run this event rather than it going out of the county, although it has already been scheduled for this year so this could only commence from 2020.
5.7UT and OT
These disciplines are also self-sufficient being run by Dave Henshaw.
6.Election of Chairman
As required by the constitution, Ian Schwier stood down at the meeting having stated that he was prepared to stand again. There being no other proposals, Dave Bignell proposed that Ian continue in the role, seconded by Oliver Wilde and voted in favour unanimously by the members present.
7.Re-Election of the Committee
The existing committee members were all prepared to stand again but a request was made to the members for any additional volunteers to step forward. Re-election of the committee members was proposed en masse by Ian Schwier and seconded by Luke Riddington followed by a unanimous vote in favour by the members.
8.Eastern Region Report
Unfortunately, no-one from the region was able to attend this year’s Essex AGM.
9.CPSA National Report
No-one from the National CPSA was unable to attend this year’s Essex AGM.
10.Colts and Juniors
The committee welcomed Jon Willis who had volunteered during the course of the year to join with a brief to encourage more young people into the sport and build their involvement and develop their skills.
He has been looking to find ways to reach out to this demographic. With the help of his son they had developed a Facebook page and poster and in two days they’d received seven calls or messages which they found very encouraging.
The committee had pledged funds to support this initiative, helping to fund events such as taster days covering several different disciplines, and to create some coaching sessions. Care must be taken to ensure that people involved in these events are CRB checked.
The committee wishes Jon every success in his endeavours.
Dates for shoots to be published on the website and Facebook sites.
Trophies: The only known missing trophy is no the All-round. A suggestion was made to stop presenting the main trophies at championships and to instead present each winner with a small, maybe glass, trophy as a permanent keepsake. It was decided not to pursue this option this year.
Trophies – a number have gone missing. Dave Bignell is sourcing replacements, but it is always a shame to lose the history of any trophy. One member suggested that the grounds keep a trophy book or hold deposits before handing out the trophies. This would work for some grounds and some events but would not be practical for others.
A request for the Fixtures sections of the website to be updated to reflect that it is now 2019. This has subsequently been addressed.
A request was made for a committee member to attend every county event. The committee agreed to try to do so, although it was pointed out that we are also shooters who often have other events to shoot at on the days of some of the competitions.
Southend Gun Club have their own Facebook page and it was agreed that they would share information with the Essex Facebook page run by Nadine Gilder, and vice versa
The meeting closed at 21:15 following half-time refreshments and followed by a raffle draw.
Many thanks to the following who all sponsored raffle prizes:
Conner Logan from Maylands GC
Essex Guns
Eastern Sporting
Chris Theobald from High House Skeet
Following the meeting the following corrections were advised by Chris Wright:
With reference to the minutes recorded at the AGM on the 5th February, I am writing to clarify errors on items 5.6 and 5.7.
I, Chris Wright have had sole responsibility for all three disciplines ABT, UT and Olympic Trap for about the last 16 + years.
In 2017, Dave Henshaw kindly elected to take responsibility for the ABT; organising the venue for the Essex ABT County Championships + selection of the ABT team for the South East Region Intercounties etc. Therefore minute 5.6 has been recorded incorrectly. I have had no imput on the ABT other minor organisation for the team for the National Intercounties event in 2018 because Dave was unavailable.
I am still responsible for organising the venues for Essex UT and OT County Championships + subsequent team selection for the South East Region Intercounties + liasing with Dave Bignell and Luke Riddington as required and Sandie Buckler when necessary.
Dave Henshaw has no responsibility for the Universal Trap or Olympic Trap championships/teams/venues.
Therefore minute 5.7 has been recorded incorrectly.
I would also take this opportunity to advise that Southend Gun Club have been offered the ABT County Championship in the past but have shown little interest. I think the venue would be a great idea and would get my support. I would also advise that Clacton GC had both the ABT and UT some years back but the ground owner refused to run the competitions to the required rules for each discipline so with the agreement of the Essex Committee, both competitions were removed to a venue that respected the codes.
I hope this clarifies the situation and the the minutes will be corrected under "Matters Arising" at your next committee meeting.
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM
Held Tuesday, 7th February 2018
At the White Hart, Newland St, Witham CM8 2AF
Committee Members Present
Dave Bignell |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington |
Treasurer |
Richard Boutcher |
Secretary |
Glen DeFreitas |
Ian Schwier |
Oliver Wilde |
Lee Byard |
1.Apologies for Absence
Were received from: Patrick McLaughlin, Paul Brewster, and Diane Boutcher.
2.2017 AGM Minutes – Matters Arising
There were no matters arising so approval of the minutes was proposed by Connor Logan, seconded by Chris Oran, and accepted unanimously by the members.
3.Chairman’s Report
Dave Bignell reported that 2017 had been a good year for the Essex branch of the CPSA with no major issues reported and only a couple of minor issues that had been resolved during the year.
He expressed his thanks to the committee members for carrying out their responsibilities throughout the year, and thanked the shooting grounds for scheduling and running all the county events, including a new event for Essex – Compact – arranged by Oliver Wilde on behalf of the committee and well attended on the day. Overall, the county events had been reasonably well attended.
4.Treasurer’s Report
Luke Riddington distributed the current summary of accounts for the county, stating that some county levies are still due to come in. These still show healthy balances and a slight increase in funds held in account.
There being no specific questions regarding the accounts, Laurie Greenleaf proposed that they be accepted, Bill Logan seconded, and the members voted unanimously for their approval.
5.Committee Members’ Reports
5.1Trap Disciplines
Lee Byard reported a good year for the trap disciplines, well run by Connor Logan and his sisters. Several new team members had successfully shot for Essex for the first time, and Essex won the DTL inter-counties tournament.
A question was raised regarding Essex ABT. Lee replied that this is usually run by Dave Henshaw.
A date has been set for the Essex ZZ team selection.
5.2English Skeet
Glen Defreitas also reported a good year having taken on responsibilities for the discipline at the start of the year. More people are now shooting skeet, with some also returning to the discipline following many years of not shooting it. The Southend Gun Club have agreed to be involved again and will run one of the 2018 team selection shoots.
The Essex senior team struggled at the inter-counties tournaments, but two Essex colts won both with Tom McCluskey winning the National Inter-Counties and Mason Terry winning the South Eastern Inter-Counties, and the ladies were runners up in the national inter-counties and Pam Dorrington winning the South Eastern tournament.
Glen is arranging some skeet master classes to be run by Alan Warren.
Oliver Wilde reported that results had been somewhat disappointing at the inter-counties championships.
Oliver himself had won three county championships during 2017 – Sportrap, Compak and All Round.
A question was asked about when the selection shoots would be. These are to be arranged but are likely to be held at Hepworth Hall, Badnock’s Farm, and another, possibly Southdown.
Ian Schwier reported that dates for FITASC team selection would also be published on the website once known.
A comment from the floor regarding some issues at the selection shoot at Badnock’s Farm in 2017 led to a comment that Phil Grey has now got involved in the running of the shoot so those issues should be resolved for 2018, including expanding the ground and increasing the trap count.
5.4Essex vs. Suffolk
Dave Bignell reported that this annual event had not been very successful for Essex (“soundly beaten”). However, it is Essex’s turn to arrange the event for 2018 and it was generally agreed that this should be a DTL event, with a fall-back position of Sportrap.
None of the remaining committee members had anything to report.
6.Election of Chairman
As required by the constitution, Dave Bignell stood down at the meeting and had previously stated that he would be happy to step aside for someone else to take the reins. This being the case, Todd Bridge proposed that Ian Schwier stand as chairman which he agreed to do on the condition that Dave stay on as Vice Chairman which he also agreed to. The proposal formalised by Brian Freeman and seconded by Todd Bridge and the motion carried by an overwhelming majority.
Luke Riddington proposed a vote of thanks for the hard work put in by Dave over the past few years as chairman and this was unanimously agreed with a round of applause.
At Ian’s request, Dave agreed to continue to run the remainder of the meeting.
7.Re-Election of the Committee
The existing committee members were all prepared to stand again but a request was made to the members for any additional volunteers to step forward. Todd Bridge volunteered and was voted onto the committee. The remainder were proposed an masse by Bill Logan, seconded by Brian Freeman, followed by a unanimous vote in favour by the members.
Subsequent to the meeting Nadine Gilder offered to join the committee to represent the ladies, and to improve the Essex CPSA’s social media presence assisted by Todd Bridge. She was duly co-opted onto the committee by the existing members.
A question was raised by a member regarding getting more attendees at the AGM. It was suggested that past and present team members should be ‘encouraged’ to attend.
Another question was raised regarding the Essex Facebook page which has not been updated for some time. A comparison was made to the Kent page which is updated very frequently. The addition of Nadine and Todd to the committee will hopefully address this.
8.Eastern Region Report
Unfortunately, no-one from the region was able to attend this year’s Essex AGM.
9.CPSA National Report
No-one from the National CPSA was unable to attend this year’s Essex AGM.
10.Colts and Juniors
For some time, the committee has been debating how best to help and encourage the younger generation of shooters to participate and to represent the county. It is appreciated that most younger competitors rely heavily on their parents to fund their shooting activities and this could discourage them from trying to get selected.
The committee already offers to pay for the (birds-only) entry fees for representative competitions but had agreed at the last committee meeting to propose a payment of £50.00 towards entry fees, cartridges, and travel expenses to any junior or colt competing for Essex at South-East regional and national tournaments.
This proposal led to various discussions and suggestions relating to this subject, including half price offers at the grounds for those practicing for county events, widening the practice where some grounds already only charge half price for all junior and colts shooting, and purchasing skeet vests for them.
All of these will also be considered and some are independent of committee activity, but it was agreed by the meeting that the committee should trial the £50 payment as a starting point.
This proposal was made by Dave Bignell, seconded by Richard Boutcher, and voted for unanimously by the members present.
Last year’s AGM reported the potential for sponsorship and a question was raised regarding the status of this. Ian Schwier reported that the lead had gone cold.
Sponsorship could be used to provide skeet vests for the teams if it were available. It was again stated that a condition of being an Essex team member should be that they purchase and wear an Essex skeet vest. This had been agreed at last year’s AGM. One member asked if a tracksuit top would be a better idea, but the meeting agreed that it should be skeet vests.
Trophies – a number have gone missing. Dave Bignell is sourcing replacements, but it is always a shame to lose the history of any trophy. One member suggested that the grounds keep a trophy book or hold deposits before handing out the trophies. This would work for some grounds and some events but would not be practical for others.
One suggestion was to bring the trophies to the AGM and hand them out there. However, with many winners unable to attend, there would then be an issue of getting the trophies to them after the meeting.
There was a request for more trophies to be provided for more classes in sporting. It was generally felt that this would be impractical as there would be nowhere to store them and it would be difficult to get them to shooters who often leave the ground before the end of the shoot.
The meeting closed at 21:50 following refreshments and a raffle draw.
Many thanks to the following who all sponsored raffle prizes:
Conner Logan from Maylands GC
Essex Guns
Eastern Sporting
Glen Defreitas from Shrove Hill Shooting Ground
Chris Theobald from High House Skeet
Dave Bignell
Luke Riddington
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM
Held Tuesday, 8th February 2017
At The Half Butt, Great Horkesley, Colchester, CO6 4ET
Committee Members Present
Luke Riddington |
Treasurer (acting chairman for the meeting) |
Richard Boutcher |
Secretary |
Glen DeFreitas |
Ian Schwier |
Oliver Wilde |
Lee Byard |
1. Apologies for Absence
Were received from: Dave Bignell, Asif Mitha, Matt and Jeff Bone, and Diane Boutcher.
2. 2015 AGM Minutes – Matters Arising
There were no matters arising so approval of the minutes was proposed by Judy Lock, seconded by Linda Leeder, and accepted unanimously by the members.
3. Chairman’s Report
In Dave Bignell’s absence, Luke Riddington read out the report below. The items in italics were added by Luke & Richard Boutcher on the day:
“Dear All
Firstly, thank you attending and giving of your valuable time, unfortunately I cannot be with you tonight as I will be landing in Perth Australia, and I had to rearrange our departure to arrive earlier than originally planned.
This year has seen the departure of Paul Burrows from the committee and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him on your behalf for the work he has put into the Essex CPSA this year. We also lost a long-time member of this committee Billy Logan who ran the DTL S Barrel and double rise for us, he left us all far too early after a valiant struggle with the big C and he will be missed by all who knew him.
We now have three new members on the Committee Glen Defreitas, Oliver Wilde and Lee Byard who have volunteered to step into the void, so many thanks to them. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the other members of the committee for the work they have done this year especially too Luke for looking after the accounts so well, and to Richard who has this year been secretary, web master in charge of the skeet teams & my advisor and friend, and what a great job he has done in all roles.
This year I arranged with members of the Suffolk CPSA to have an Essex V Suffolk challenge @ Clacton Gun Club, we jointly purchased a smart new trophy and decided that our first challenge would be an all-round competition. Sad to say Essex came second and not by just a few targets it was a sound thrashing so well done Suffolk, and they will be hosting this year’s challenge date, venue and discipline to be announced soon.
This year has seen the Essex shooters hold their own in the inter-counties and national competitions, with special mention to the Essex Ladies who won the National championships in Skeet and All-round, what a great achievement from three lasses Pam Dorrington, Judy Lock and Diane Boutcher. Diane also won the county and ladies overall title at the South East Inter-Counties Skeet championship
Thanks to all who have taken part in the championships this year it makes the task of arranging them well worthwhile if we get a good attendance. Once again, this year we had a lack of junior and colt entries so if you know a youngster who enjoys shooting try and get them to come along, they are the future of our sport and we need to encourage them as much as we can. Also thanks to the shooting grounds, Clacton, Mayland, Southend, Dartford, Hepworth Hall and Highwayman’s for holding shoots for us to enjoy, without their assistance we would be lost.
I would also like to thank two members who give up their time to arrange Trap shooting events they are Dave Henshaw and Chris Wright, without their help this year some championship shoots may not have been so successful.
Well That’s enough from me so please enjoy yourselves this evening and if you have any suggestions how we as a committee could do better please speak up, and we will do what we can to make 2017 a great year for Essex shooting.
Your Chairman Dave Bignell”
4. Treasurer’s Report
Luke Riddington distributed the current summary of accounts for the county, stating that some county levies are still due to come in. These still show healthy balances.
There being no specific questions regarding the accounts, Richard Boutcher proposed that they be accepted, Ian Schwier seconded, and the members voted unanimously for their approval.
5. Committee Members’ Reports
Ian Schwier reported:
- More disciplines will be added to the county sporting calendar, even if these are not registered
- In future, badges will be produced before any shoot where they will be required so that they can be distributed at the event where possible
- He has obtained some sponsorship with a proposal to use it to provide skeet vests for county team members. See AOB for further discussions on this topic
Richard Boutcher reiterated Dave Bignell's comments regarding the successes of the ladies representing the county, especially at skeet during the year.
Glen DeFreitas reported that his focus for 017 would be on improving the county's performances at skeet.
None of the remaining committee members had anything to report.
6. Election of Chairman
As required by the constitution, Dave Bignell stood down at the meeting (he was not in attendance). Luke Riddington asked if there were any other nominations for the post but none were forthcoming. Dave had already stated that he was prepared to stand again, so Richard Boutcher proposed him as chairman, Lee Byard seconded the motion and the members voted unanimously for him to stay in the position for the next year.
7. Re-Election of the Committee
The remaining officers of the club were re-elected en-masse. This was proposed by Bill Logan (Snr), seconded by Nigel Gilder, and voted in by the members.
8. Eastern Region Report
Unfortunately, due to illness, no-one from the region was able to attend this year’s Essex AGM. It is understood that a report will follow.
9. CPSA National Report
Due to a clash of dates, John Offord was unable to attend this year’s Essex AGM.
10. AOB
Ian Schwier introduced Bradley Faulkner who has set up a shoot near Southminster in Essex and is planning to run some registered sporting and maybe other disciplines such as Compact. He is also able to run at least one of the sporting selections shoots for the county team.
Ian is also keen to encourage more women, colts, and juniors into the sport. To that end he offered to run a try-out shoot at his own premises in Boxted, comprising a BBQ and some have-a-go stands for members of shooting men’s families and friends.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding how best to use the sponsorship that has become available. Various suggestions were made, including:
- County skeet vests, held centrally and made available to team members for county representative events
- Pay entry fees for representative competitions
- Purchase sweatshirts to keep
- Purchase lightweight jackets to keep
- Team members to purchase a skeet vest to keep, with some subsidy from the sponsorship fund
- Sponsor to provide caps
This led to a discussion regarding standardising the attire for people competing as members of the Essex teams. The trap disciplines already do this, and photographs of the team in their standard skeet vests (costing approximately £90) were shown around the meeting. Anyone fortunate enough to shoot for England is forced to wear standard attire which they must purchase themselves.
The general consensus of opinion was that there should be and that this should be published on the website.
Both issues will be considered by the committee, costs investigated (Lee Byard will find out the costs of the vests used by the trap discipline teams currently and submit these to the committee for consideration as the standard for Essex teams) and a conclusion made to be taken forward.
Judy Lock requested that team organisers should share contact details amongst the team so that car sharing, squad times, etc. can be arranged between team members.
Ian Schwier emphasised the fact that the committee is trying to get better and really wants to promote the sport in the county. Phil Dyer says that he will believe it when he sees it. The main organisational problems seem to be in the sporting disciplines, although it was pointed out that these events are often held over two or more days unlike the other disciplines that county teams compete in.
There was a request that the website be improved. Richard Boutcher reported that the software provided by the main CPSA has many constraints which make it difficult or impossible to improve the presentation of the information provided.
However, the content can only be improved if the general shooting public provide reports and photos for publication. Consequently, another appeal was made for people to send in their own reports rather than expect others to do it.
11. Close
The meeting closed at 22:05 following refreshments and a raffle draw.
Many thanks to the following who all sponsored raffle prizes:
- Chris Theobald from High House Skeet
- Conner Logan from Maylands GC
- Eastern Sporting
- Essex Guns
- Glen Defreitas from Shrove Hill Shooting Ground
- Paul Burrows from Lawnfield Shooting Club
Minutes of the Essex CPSA AGM
Held Tuesday, 9th February 2016
At The Royal Oak Great Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX
Committee Members Present
Dave Bignell |
Chairman |
Luke Riddington |
Treasurer |
Richard Boutcher |
Acting Secretary |
Paul Burrows |
Billy Logan |
1.Apologies for Absence
Were received from: Zack Palmer, Terry Greenfield, and Diane Boutcher
2.2015 AGM Minutes – Matters Arising
Ian Schweir raised some issues, but these are reported as AOB below rather than as matter arising.
There being no other comments, approval of the minutes was proposed by Scott Greenfield, seconded by Mark Burrows, and accepted unanimously by the members.
3.Chairman’s Report
Dave Bignell gave thanks to a number of people: Darren Sweeney for taking on the skeet responsibilities for 2015 and for having been a member of the committee for some time (now retired from the committee); Chris Wright for his work organising the specialist trap disciplines; the various ground owners such as Andy Riva (Clacton), Billy Logan (Maylands), Barry Dobbs (Southend), and Hepworth Hall. He also thanked the committee for their continued support, and the staff of the Royal Oak for their hospitality.
Essex teams had had some success at National Inter-Counties’ Tournaments. The Olympic Trap team had won their discipline in resounding style and, at their first attempt at this level, the All-Round team had won their tournament with 21-year-old Lewis Steed taking the overall individual title – all despite getting a very poor start time at Northampton which meant the team spent the event looking directly into the low midday sun.
Dave went on to mourn the lack of premiere grounds in the county, resulting in some events having to move outside of Essex. In particular, the ABT Championship currently has no home in the county. Various suggestions were made from the floor and these will be considered by the committee.
There have been a number of complaints to the committee regarding the processing of new and renewal certificate applications. Many shooters within the county are having to manage with temporary certificates with the average time to complete the process currently taking around seven months and with this delay increasing rather than the backlog being cleared.
Issues have been raised during the year regarding clashes of events, such as the Essex Sportrap Championship clashing with the English Open. Dave explained that the dates are generally set by the grounds and not the committee and that the calendar is very congested so some clashes are almost inevitable. However, he will speak to the ground owners to see if anything can be done to avoid such clashes.
4.Treasurer’s Report
Luke Riddington distributed the current summary of accounts for the county. These still show healthy balances leading to some discussion regarding the use of these funds. See AOB for further commentary on this point.
There being no specific questions regarding the accounts, Dave Bignell proposed that they be accepted, Scott Greenfield seconded and the members voted unanimously for their approval.
5.Committee Members’ Reports
There were no Committee Member reports.
6.Election of Chairman
As required by the constitution, Dave Bignell stood down at the meeting. Luke Riddington asked if there were any other nominations for the post but none were forthcoming. He then asked Dave if he was prepared to stand again. He was, so Scott Greenfield proposed him as chairman, Ray Bridger seconded the motion and the members voted unanimously for him to stay in the position for the next year.
7.Re-Election of the Committee
Dave reported that he had had no contact from club secretary Terry Harris for almost two years despite repeated e-mails and phone calls so it had to be assumed that he no longer wished to continue in the post. That being the case, a vacancy existed on the committee for someone to take the role of secretary.
He asked if anyone present was willing to volunteer or knew of anyone else who would consider taking the role but no volunteers were forthcoming. Acting secretary, Richard Boutcher, had already said that he was prepared to take on the role. Dave Bignell proposed him, Billy Logan seconded and the members voted in favour.
Dave Bignell proposed Luke Riddington as Treasurer, Richard Boutcher seconded him and he was duly voted in for another year.
Dave asked if there were any volunteers to join the committee and Ian Schweir agreed to become a member. Dave thanked him for volunteering and the committee look forward to working with him.
The remaining officers of the club were re-elected en-masse. This was proposed by Pam Dorrington, seconded by Scott Greenfield, and voted in by the members.
8.Eastern Region Report
Jonny Johnson attended the AGM and provided the following report from the region.
Essex is always a strong county, with good attendance at the AGM and a sound financial position.
This year, thanks in part due to Paul Rendell’s efforts, the region was able to distribute £500.00 of funds to all nine counties.
The region will be running 23 championships as usual. They are also looking to run an All-Round championship although the venue for this has not yet been established following a debacle the last time this event was run.
9.CPSA National Report
John Offord spoke on behalf of the National CPSA. He recognised that the attendance at the Essex AGM was good at over thirty but couldn’t understand why more of the 1,116 registered Essex CPSA members didn’t attend.
This figure of 1,116 represents an increase on the previous year, reflecting a trend nationally where the membership increased last year from 23,687 to 23,792.
John reflected that the Essex situation with licensing may not be as bad as that in Kent.
He highlighted the fact that four GB shooters have qualified to shoot at the up-coming Olympics. He also mentioned that Joe Neville had been awarded an MBE.
John is organising a ‘have-a-go’ day at Olympic Trap for anyone that’s interested. It will be held on the 31st March at Bisley. Anyone interested should contact him in the first instance.
Pete Tomlins is in the process of revamping the IT systems at HQ which should allow regional and county committee members more access to key information. The Data Protection Act still always has to be taken into account.
Lee Byard raised a question for the National organisation regarding a ruling to restrict the registered DTL scores returned to only one per day per ground that has been shot. The discussion included the thought that someone could shoot twice in a day and have their scores counted provided they were shot at different grounds – even if one was ‘over the road’ to the other, and an idea that the competitors could shoot two different layouts at the same ground (i.e. traps 1 & 2 for one round, and traps 3 & 4 for the other). At present there is no incentive for people to shoot more than one round which could impact on the grounds’ income.
John agreed to discuss the ruling with the national committee.
Ian Schwier raised an issue that he had not received his badge or trophy for winning the 2015 County Sportrap Championship. The badge has since been provided.
Discussions regarding the trophy established that it was not available three years ago when Scott Greenfield had to be photographed with the ladies’ trophy. It was agreed that the committee would attempt to track down the trophy’s whereabouts and, if it was not forthcoming, procure a replacement. Either way, the trophy should be presented to Ian.
Wider discussions regarding trophies continued, and the committee will build an inventory of which trophies need replacing.
Ian Schwier also raised his concerns that not enough was made of someone who managed to qualify to shoot for the county; there seemed to be no official recognition of their achievements.
In part, this tied in with Richard Boutcher’s appeal for more reports and photos from anyone concerned so that these could be published on the website and in Pull magazine. He explained that committee members cannot be at every event so we rely on reports from the grounds, the county organiser for that discipline, or competitors to provide information to be published.
Various discussions followed regarding the committee in some way contributing to the costs of shooting for the county. It is simply too expensive for the county to pay entry fees for all the competitors for all the national and regional events – the current funds would be exhausted in around two years. A suggestion was made to contribute 100 cartridges for each competitor; another that a proportion of the entry fees could be funded; a third suggestion that the discipline hold their own events to raise the funds to pay the entry fees.
Ray Bridger proposed that the committee investigate what would be feasible and affordable in the longer term and report back to the members. Scott Greenfield seconded the proposal and the motion was carried by a vote of the members present. The results of these deliberations will be published on the website and in Pull for people to provide their feedback.
The meeting closed at 21:40 following refreshments and a raffle draw.
Many thanks to the following who all sponsored raffle prizes:
Andy Riva from Clacton Shooting Ground
Billy Logan and Alan Lazell of Mayland Gun Club
Chris Theobald from High House Skeet
Essex Guns
Glen Defreitas from Shrove Hill Shooting Ground
Graham Ferris from Graham’s Clay Shooting
Leech and Sons gunsmiths
Olly Searle from Essex Clay Shooting
Paul Burrows from Lawnfield Shooting Club
Minutes of the
Held Tuesday, 24th March 2015
The Royal Oak
Great Stambridge, Rochford, SS4 2AX
Committee Members in Attendance:
Dave Bignell (Chairman)
Luke Riddington (Treasurer)
Richard Boutcher (acting secretary)
Paul Burrows
Billy Logan
Members in attendance:
William Logan Jnr |
Shane Maynard |
Lee Byard |
Roy Petherbridge |
Alan Lazell |
Sue Merrin |
Ray Bridger |
Tracey Riddington |
Scott Greenfield |
Zach Palmer |
Lawrence Bobin |
Charlie Hyde |
Tony Paddon |
Hugh Walton |
Mark Burrows |
Malcolm Clarke |
Pam Clarke |
S Ruffly |
Kevin Walsh |
Johnny Johnson |
John Offord |
Diane Boutcher |
Fred Robinson |
Apologies received from:
Patrick McCloughlan, Terry Greenfield
1.Matters Arising
Malcolm Clarke asked why there had been no side-by-side championship in 2014 and no evidence that there would be one in 2015. The response from the floor was that no grounds were keen to run this event, but the committee would investigate whether it could be reinstated, even if this were in combination with another event.
2.Election of Chairman
Luke Riddington offered his thanks to Dave Bignell for stepping into the role at short notice. No other candidates had come forward and Dave agreed to stand again. As a result, Scott Greenfield proposed Dave Bignell as chairman, Kevin Walsh seconded this and the vote was carried unanimously.
On accepting the role, Dave thanked the various shoot ground owners and organisers of the various Essex championships and challenges: Andy Riva at Clacton SG, Billy Logan at Maylands SG, Hepworth Hall, and Nuthampstead.
3.Treasurer’s Report
Luke Riddington provided summary financial sheets for each table on the night. He reported that levies were slightly down on previous years, partly due to the reduction in the number of sporting selection shoots held in 2014. 2014 AGM costs were slightly higher than in 2013, but colt and junior entries to championships were down reducing the contributions made to their entry fees.
This resulted in a discussion regarding juniors and colts in the county, especially around whether any county prospects might be coming through the Helena Romanes school where some sponsorship had been provided over the last couple of years. The committee restated their commitment to providing funding to help juniors and colts through payment of entry fees for representative competitions.
4.Eastern Region Report
Johnny Johnson reported that this was the ninth and last of the county AGMs within the region. He said that there had been 23 regional competitions arranged. He was expecting the usual contribution to the counties from regional.
A question was raised regarding the possibility that some counties had not entered the regional sporting competitions, but this didn’t seem to have been the case. There was speculation that it could have been caused by problems in the past with traps at Southdown. It was reported that these issues should now be resolved.
The South East regional committee meeting is due shortly. That is the forum for approving the contributions to the counties.
5.CPSA National
John Offord reported from the national organisation. Essex has 1,079 CPSA members, 12 down from last year. The region has over 7,000 members which is slightly up on 2014. He reported that Carl Smith had recently been elected as chairman, replacing Graham Walker.
The awards dinner will be streamed live next Saturday (28th March 2015).
The insurance scheme is currently active on three cases where the member’s license had been revoked.
The current two Rule Books are being amalgamated into one and referee cards will be made available.
A question was raised from the floor regarding the police turnaround of license applications. Overall the feeling of the meeting was that they did seem to be getting slower in Essex. John Offord reported that things are only likely to get worse as further cutbacks in the service continue to bite.
There was a request that anyone attending county selection shoots should make sure to leave contact details.
There is an issue with some of the best shots in the county not wishing to shoot in representative events. It is unfortunately the case that it is not possible to force anyone to shoot.
There followed a lengthy discussion regarding the merit of holding selection shoots or choosing the team from results returned at registered shoots. Pros and cons of both options were raised and debated but no final conclusion was made. It was agreed that the current processes would be left to run their course with the option to review at the end of the year if it is felt necessary.
There was, however, a request for the committee to investigate holding at least one extra sporting selection shoot as the timings are more favourable in 2015.
There was a suggestion from the back of the meeting that the county invest in a microphone and amplifier. This will be investigated.
The meeting closed at 9:30 following an excellent buffet and a raffle draw.
Essex CPSA Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 19th February 2014, at the Fennes
Committee Members present
Dave Bignell - acting Chairman (introduced by Luke Riddington)
Luke Riddington - Treasurer
Richard Boutcher - representing Skeet
Terry Harris - Secretary
All of whom were introduced by the acting Chairman, Dave Bignell
Apologies received from:-
Asif Mitha - in Scotland, on business
Darren Sweeney - work commitments
Previous meeting minutes
The Minutes of the previous AGM, held on 6th February 2013, were approved, being proposed by Scott Greenfield, and seconded by Frank Haig.
There were no matters arising from those Minutes.
Chairman’s report
Some of the competitions held during the past year were down in numbers – the reduction of levy income reflecting this.
Some notable successful results were achieved by Essex shooters, as witnessed in the scores and results posted to the website.
- Treasurer’s report
The Accounts were presented (attached), with no queries being raised.
Levy income was down, but sponsorship was up.
The overall situation was healthy, with the bank balances increasing by £1078.60 over the year, though there was no requirement in 2013 for funding the Young Shot’s Day – this will however be funded in 2014.
Higher expenditure is anticipated in 2014 for county badges, etc.
Discipline Reports, given by:-
Dave Bignell - Sporting & Sportrap
Richard Boutcher - Skeet
Luke Riddington - FITASC
Full reports, scores and event dates are on the website, but a special mention is due for Frank Haig – a 7 times medal winner during 2013.
A break for refreshments, followed by:-
Mr Neal Wilcox, of Helena Romanes school, Great Dunmow, stood to thank the Essex CPSA, both for their financial support, and for the time given by instructors, participating in shotgun skills for pupils of widely differing backgrounds. No school funding is available, but with our assistance, they won the under-15 national school championship.
Mr Phil Moss, well known to most present, spoke about his future plans for the Barrow Heath shooting ground, and confirmed that the Essex Sporting Selection shoot (the only one) would be hosted at Barrow Heath on 16th March 2014.The ground had now been awarded “premier status” after a considerable reinvestment of funds during 2013.
Johnny Johnson, and John Offord, both of the CPSA SE region, talked respectively about county/regional matters, and national matters.
NB. Essex-based CPSA membership had increased slightly, to 1,119, although national membership levels were in fact down.
The Committee
During the year, resignations had been received from:-
Kevin Walsh
Nadine Gilder
Asif Mitha
The committee, proposed by Scott Greenfield, and seconded by Malcolm Clarke, was confirmed as:-
Dave Bignell - Chairman (for a 12-month trial period, at his request).
Luke Riddington - Treasurer & representing ESP
Richard Boutcher - website/PULL magazine maintenance, and representing skeet.
Diane Boutcher - Ladies representative
Darren Sweeney - representing skeet
Terry Harris - Secretary
Scott Greenfield offered his assistance in arranging teams for ESP events.
Bill Logan continues helping us with the organisation of the various trap events.
Frank Haig was presented with the trophy as Essex FITASC champion.
Any other business
Richard Boutcher, now managing the website, requested that he be kept informed of any news, events, results and successes – any snippet of information is better than none at all!
Luke Riddington reported that Dave Mayes, a popular and well-known shooter, had sadly passed away.
Also, Paul Buckley, a past committee member, was quite ill – we all wish him well again.
Scott Greenfield reiterated his request that anyone offering, and qualified, to shoot for Essex, should do just that (and not change their mind at the last moment).
Essex CPSA Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 6th February 2013, at the Fennes
1.Members present
Kevin Walsh-Chairman
Luke Riddington-Treasurer
Tracey Riddington
Dave Bignell- representing Sporting
Richard Boutcher-representing Skeet
Terry Harris-Secretary
all of whom were introduced by the Chairman, Kevin Walsh
2.Apologies received from:-
Diane Boutcher, Paul Buckley, Don Cooper, Scott Greenfield, Bill Logan,
Gerry Springham, Oliver Wilde
3.The Minutes of the previous AGM, held on 15th February 2012 were
circulated. Ray Bridger proposed, and Malcolm Clarke seconded, that they be
approved and adopted.
The only matter arising, item 4, was that the embroidery company
‟Personalise‶ would again be utilised for the 2013 orders.
4.Chairman‵s Report
(i) Kevin Walsh expressed his thanks to the committee, and to the ground
owners for their assistance and co-operation throughout the year - and
in particular:-
Bill Logan-Maylands
Andy Riva-Clacton
Mike & Cathy-Spellbrook
His thanks also to the team captains for organising the competitions,
and in particular, the team events.
(ii) Kevin Walsh was pleased to announce that the British Open, for
English Sporting and for Sportrap, will be held this year at Hepworth
(iii) the 3rd side-by-side championship will be held at Spellbrook, on 2nd
June 2013.
(iv) please help keep our e-mail lists up to date, to include any changes.
(v) Kevin Walsh mentioned the sad passing of Richard Ford, an instructor
at Parkford, and an England Team Olympic Skeet coach.
(vi) Kevin Walsh closed by requesting volunteers to strengthen the
5.Treasurer‵s Report
The Accounts for year ended 31st December 2012 (attached) were presented by
Luke Riddington.
Total reserves are £9082.23, an increase over the previous year of £257.98,
despite funding the (previously sponsored) Young Shot‵s Day.
A break for refreshments, followed by:-
6.Discipline reports, given by:-
Dave Bignell-Sporting & Sportrap
Richard Boutcher-Skeet
Luke Riddington-FITASC
Kevin Walsh-other disciplines
The full reports for all disciplines are attached.
7.Phil Moss, a previous Essex CPSA chairman reported on his ‟return to the
fold‶ - even if it is Suffolk! He is now running the shoot at Barrow Heath, andhe
outlined the plans for raising the profile of the place, having secured a 10 -
year lease.
He is happy to host some Essex Selection shoots if so required.
8.Johnny Johnson, at the CPSA, praised the strength of the organisation, no
doubt due in part to it‵s active leadership. By contrast. Bucks CPSA had
collapsed last year, and the Herts for the third time in 28 years. Hard times
but Essex was doing particularly well.
John Offord, S.E. regional director updated us on the success of the new CPSA
management structure, with the S.E. region being the second largest. He
stressed the continuing need to encourage our Colts and Juniors, and to assist
them whenever possible.
9. (i) Paul Buckley and Tracey Riddington have resigned from the committee
of the Essex CPSA.
(ii) The following members were re-elected:-
Kevin Walsh
Richard Boutcher
Luke Riddington
Dave Bignell
Terry Harris
(iii) Luke Riddington proposed that Kevin Walsh continue as Chairman,
unanimously approved by all present, and Kevin accepted the
(iv) Nadine Gilder was elected to the committee.
10.Malcolm Clarke asked for more information on the proposed side-by-side
championship meeting, and commented also on the lack of up to date
information on the website, as far as committee meetings were concerned. The
response was that, regretfully and for varying reasons, no meetings had been
held between March 2012 and January 2013.
The evening ended with an extensive raffle, which raised ???
Party Atmosphere at the Fennes
Wednesday 15th February 2012
1 Committee Present
Kevin Walsh; Bill Logan; Richard Boutcher; Tracey Riddington; Luke Riddington; Paul Buckley.
2 Apologies for Absence
John Brett, Oliver Wilde, Diane Boutcher, Scott Greenfield.
3 Introduction of Committee
Kevin Walsh introduced each committee member to the A.G.M.
4 Matters Arising
Paul Buckley offered the services of an embroidery company in Witham named “Personalise” 86 Newland Street, Witham, Essex CM8 1AH.
For County team members they have the set up to embroider the Essex Team Badge at a cost of £6.25, if you would like it on a polo shirt it will cost a total amount of £12.50.
It can be embroidered on to your own shooting vest. Purchased items used to display the badge (Skeet vest & polo shirt) will be auctioned later.
5 Chairman’s Report – Kevin Walsh
Kevin Walsh thanked the committee and all the grounds that support our shooting in
The Essex Side by side Championship was held at Spellbrook they had a good attendance of 90 entries and the High Gun was Steve Miller.
Fennes shooting School held a Juniors day, everyone had a great time, with many letters of thanks.
The website has changed to operate off of the main CPSA website to enable Kevin to resolve any problems that may occur.
6 Treasurers Report – Luke Riddington
Luke apologized for being late because of a severe traffic accident on the M25/A12; Levies are down on last year mainly due to the fact that we no longer get a donation of £300 from the South East region.
7 Discipline Reports
Skeet & Skeet Doubles – Richard Boutcher
Richard reported that the ESK County Championship had 52 entries.
Results Skeet
Senior - Peter Stanton Hope
Lady – Gill Billington
Vets – Vic Bradley
Junior - Tia Ayres
Results Skeet Doubles
Senior – Alex Garcia
Lady – Diane Boutcher
Vets – Vic Bradley
Junior - Oliver Pipe
Peter Stanton Hope was especially worthy of congratulations as he was now
Southeast Intercounties Individual Champion and Scottish Open Champion.
English Sporting & Sportrap – Paul Buckley
Paul reported that special mention should be made of Scott Greenfield who had won the British Open Sportrap and also came 2nd at the Beretta World Championships.
County Championship
Champion - Stuart Clarke
Vet - George Allen
Lady -Tracey Riddington
Junior - Zac Palmer
F.I.T.A.S.C – Luke Riddington
Luke Riddington reported results from the County Championship as follows:-
Champion – Oliver Wilde
Vets – John Price
Super Vets – Jerry Bland
Lady – Tracey Riddington
Junior – Zac Palmer
Colt - Callum Greenfield
Jerry Bland was praised for his third year as a G.B member SuperVet.
Luke then presented Jerry with his Super Vet County Champion trophy.
Jerry Bland - Essex FITASC SuperVet Champion
Our thoughts were with Peter Cardnell’s family as he had sadly passed away on 21st December.
We also wish Phil Moss good luck in his new venture as ground manager in Manchester.
Old-school charm - Young Lady is offered light refreshment by Essex Gent.
8. Johnny Johnson - CPSA S/E Director
Johnny said that Essex was a strong shooting county and has been for a long time.
Nationally the C.P.S.A membership was well down, due the world wide financial problems.
The Organisation was in good hands under the leadership of Nick Fellows, although he is not a shooter, he is doing a very good job.
Malcolm Clarke asked why was the decision taken to take away registered skeet shooting at Dartford just because of one man’s behaviour, who had fallen out with the owner of Dartford causing 40 to 50 shooters to lose out on shooting at their preferred ground. Johnny replied that he quite understood though CPSA rules were being followed an it was hoped that this would be resolved amicably in the future.
9. John Hopes - Essex Senior Enquiry Officer
John explained that the licensing fee is set to go up in price to reflect the actual cost of providing Shotgun and Firearms certificates; the information on this proposed increase is from the Association of Chief Police Officers.
He apologized for being 2 weeks behind on renewals in Essex but pointed out that some other counties are still processing renewals for September of last year!
John felt that the C.P.S.A should do more to promote young people in shooting, he said that he was surprised to hear that C.P.S.A membership was down because of the big demand on Shotgun/Firearms applications in Essex.
10. Election of Officers
The following committee members were re-elected: Bill Logan, Paul Buckley, Luke Riddington, Richard Boutcher, Tracey Riddington.
Luke Riddington, as Vice-chairman, asked if there were any nominations for the position of Chairman - none was proposed. Richard Boutcher proposed Kevin Walsh who then received an unanimous vote from the floor for him to stay on as Chairman for another year.
11. A.O.B
Hugh Walton pointed out that the Essex All Round championship is the same day as the English/British Open, Kevin said he will speak to Andy Riva to see if this can be changed.
Tony Cobham asked if anyone can help with sponsoring some army cadets in Essex, Kevin said that this will be considered at the next committee meeting in March.
12. Meeting closed @ 22:30