Essex2024 Website : ABT Championship

Essex ABT Championship Sunday 10th March 2024

The Essex ABT Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 10th March 2024. This event was held in conjunction with Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Gtr. London county championships which made for a very large turnout and long day. It was also nice to see that Essex had the largest contingent of competitors of all the counties.

Being early March the weather was cold, wet, murky and windy. Not ideal conditions for clay shooting, but fast-trap shooters are a hardy bunch.

In such conditions a first round 25 straight from Ian Lockwood raised a few eyebrows. But as one 'old hand' at this game remarked; "There's a long way to go yet". What followed came as a bigger surprise as Ian followed up with a 24, another 25 and a final 24.

Ian Lockwood won the Essex ABT Championship with an amazing 98, which also gave him overall High Gun. John Haas scored 85 to take the Veteran trophy, whilst Emma Ralph took the Ladies Trophy with 84. Eddie Lockwood scored 78 to win the Junior Trophy.

Once again thanks are due to Nicky & Ed Barker of Nuthampstead Shooting Ground for staging this event on their superb Trap layouts.

Pictures show David Billington presenting a substitute trophy to the winners.

                                   Champion - Ian Lockwood                          Lady Champion - Emma Ralph             


                          Veteran Champion - John Haas                     Junior Champion - Eddie Lockwood