Essex2024 Website : UT Championship

Essex Universal Trench Championship Sunday 17th March 2024

The Essex UT Championship was held at Nuthampstead Shooting Ground on Sunday 17th March 2024. This event was held in conjunction with Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Sussex county championships making for a large turnout.

Although raining and breezy with variable light, it did seem slightly warmer than of late.

After a mildly shaky first round it soon became apparent that Katie Durrant was up there with the leaders and likely to be the Essex Lady champion. But once the full scores were in, she had leapt ahead and beat all the other Essex competitors.

Katie Durrant won the Essex UT Championship with a marvellous 92. Mark Burrows scored 86 to take the Veteran Trophy whilst Emma Ralph took the Ladies Trophy with 85. Eddie Lockwood scored 80 to win the Junior Trophy which is now his third Essex Trap trophy in a row.

Once again thanks are due to Nicky & Ed Barker of Nuthampstead Shooting Ground for staging this event on their superb Trap layouts.

Pictures show David Henshaw presenting a substitute trophy to the winners.

                   Katie Durrant - Overall Champion            Emma Ralph - Lady Champion


             Eddie Lockwood - Junior Champion         Mark Burrows - Vet Champ