Essex2024 Website : AGM

Minutes from the Essex CPSA AGM held at Rivenhall Oak Golf Centre, Witham on Saturday 21st October 2023

The 2023 AGM was held together with an awards evening for the 2023 Championship winners across all disiplines. The evening was a great success and we will continue to do the AGM and awards evening together as one.

The AGM had an attendance of nearly 100 people which was even better than the January 2023 AGM – thank you to everyone who attended and made it a great evening. A big thank you also to all the companies and individuals who donated prizes to our raffle, it is very much appreciated.

  1. Apologies for absence

Chris Orrin, Luke Riddington, Tracey Riddington, Harry Willis, Stuart Lodge, Bill Logan

  1. Minutes from Jan 2023 AGM

All in agreement they are accurate and correct. Proposed by Phil Moss and seconded by Mike Pickett

  1. Matters arising from previous minutes

As discussed at the previous AGM, we wanted the AGM to change to an awards evening as well as the AGM. Get back all trophies and start again which is exactly what has happened and the evening we are having tonight.

  1. Chairman’s Report

Todd had to resign as Chairman when his membership lapsed as he is due to move abroad, so with Jon being Vice Chair he chaired the AGM. Jon reported that the committee has been working hard to better the committee and has welcomed a few new members this year. Dave Billington, Ian Lockwood, Eddie Lockwood and Gary Bridger. We are now being currently represented in the PULL magazine with something in there every month which is much better than where we were 18 months ago. We have tried to ensure that as and where possible Essex attend as many intercounty events in all disciplines possible and we hope to have a greater presence in 2024. Jon went onto say thank you to all the committee members and all those for looking after their disciplines. Jon lastly said that the purpose of the committee is to encourage shooting in all disciplines where possible and if anyone has any ideas to put these forward to the committee.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Luke wasn’t present so Jon done a brief round up of what’s happening on the finance side. The year end has not come around yet but as and when it does the accounts will be published onto the website. A lot of money has been spent this year on replacing missing trophies and getting them engraved so thank you to Glen and Nadine for helping with this. We have also spent extra money than normal on tonights AGM to incorporate the events evening.

  1. Committee Members Reports

Steve – DTL, SB, Helice, DR

Steve reported that the Essex Double Rise was to take place on Sunday 22nd October. Steve managed to get a whole Essex team together for the Helice South East Intercounties of which Jake Crockford won Colts overall so well done to Jake on that achievement. At the DTL National Intercounties at Mayland the Vets team won, Seniors were runners up as well as Juniors and the Ladies were 3rd.

Glen – Skeet, Skeet Doubles, All Round

Glen reported it had been a great year for Skeet in Essex. New shooter Lewis Feux had done very well individually as well as George and Dave Billington. The biggest achievement this year was the National Intercounties event at the National Shooting Centre where all teams won – Seniors, Vets, Ladies, Juniors and Colts.

Eddie – Sporting, Sportrap, Compak, FITASC, Super Sporting

Eddie reported that Essex put a team into the SE Intercounties this year and managed to come 3rd overall. He made a special mention to Stuart Clarke for coming 2nd overall at the British Open this year and to Nadine for coming 2nd in Ladies at the English Open Sportrap.

Jon – Olympic Skeet

The Essex champs and SE champs were held at Bisley this year. 4 people went to support Essex and put a team in of which Essex came 3rd.

Chris Banks – UT, ABT, OT

Chris Banks reported that the county champs were held in Feb and March at Nuthampstead. It was bitterly cold but ran well. Nice to see some new faces at the Championships such as the Lockwood’s. Managed to get a full team together for the fast trap Intercounties with the UT being the day after the AGM. The OT was held at Bisley and Essex came 2nd overall. Ian Lockwood shot well at the ABT individually however sadly the team overall didn’t place anywhere. Hilary and John Haas are happy to take over from Chris as he has now moved to Cambridgeshire so can no longer look after the disciplines in Essex.

  1. Election of Chairman

Gary Bridger was proposed by a few members of the committee

Proposed – Steve Carter
Seconded – Jon Willis

  1. Election of Vice Chairman

Dave Billington was proposed and happy to take on the role

Proposed – Steve Carter
Seconded – Nadine Gilder

  1. Election of Secretary

Nadine said she was happy to continue as Secretary and multiple members of the committee also proposed this

Proposed – Committee
Seconded – Jon Willis

  1. Election of Treasurer

Luke will be stepping down once the bank accounts are sorted so we have elected a new Treasurer as well. Jon Willis was proposed and accepted the role

Proposed – Nadine Gilder
Seconded – Phil Moss

  1. Election of the committee

The rest of the committee were all happy to remain as they are and with their relevant disciplines (Ian Lockwood, Eddie Lockwood, Phil Moss, Steve Carter, Glen Defreitas)

  1. Any other business

SC wanted to bring up about the cost of the AGM this year as others had come to him asking the question and if it was a good way to spend the money.

MB said the sport is dying and due to rising costs why should the committee spend so much money on the AGM evening when it could be put towards promoting the sport and getting more Ladies, Juniors and Colts involved.

JW came back and said this was a trial to see if it worked and how many people attended the evening to see if it was worth continuing. With Essex not having a ground or venue we can currently call home the cost of this will always be more until such a time comes.

BM said he disagrees with MB and said that social events like this are important and they bring back good rewards. It also gives shooters a chance to bring along family so they get an insight into the sport and what we do within in and whats involved.

A few others said they thought the AGM/Awards evening seemed like a success so far and that they didn’t have any issues with it. It is an evening out and the £10 charged for a ticket which was then converted into raffle tickets was a cheap night out compared to other evenings out.

Meeting closed at 8pm

Big thank you also to Scott Richardson who took lots of photos at the event. Below are some photos from the evening.









Previous AGM Documents

Oct 2023 Minutes Agenda Accounts
Jan 2023 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2022 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2020 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2019 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2018 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2017 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2016 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2015 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2014 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2013 Minutes Agenda Accounts
2012 Minutes Agenda Accounts