Cheshire CPSA Website : FAST-TRAP Team Selections

Cheshire Shooting Team Fast-Trap (ABT, OTR, UTR) Selection Information:


Keep up-to-date by visiting the Cheshire CPSA website for full details of the selection process and the latest competition dates for your diary. (



All 2024 Cheshire Fast-Trap (ABT, UTR, OTR} Shooters

With a busy Trap shooting calendar ahead we hope to enter Junior, Ladies, Seniors and Veterans teams into as many WMIC events as possible in 2024.


Fast-Trap Events:-

Cheshire County, West Midlands Area and Inter-counties Championships


  • Cheshire ABT championship - 28th April, Fauxdegla
  • West Midlands Area (Individual) and Intercounties (Team) ABT Championships - 14th July, Garlands


  • Cheshire UT championship - 7th July, Rugby
  • West Midlands Area (Individual) and West Midland Intercounties (Team) UTR Championships - 7th July, Rugby


  • Cheshire OT championship - 14th April, Fauxdegla
  • West Midlands Area(Individual) and  West Midland Intercounties (Team) OTR Championships - 14th April, Fauxdegla


The FAST TRAP "A" team selection process for 2024 will be as last year, so the top 4 scorers at the County Championships for each of the 3 disciplines qualify, plus 2 "wildcard" picks by the Team Managers.


If you have a desire to shoot for Cheshire and would be interested to know more

contact Mike Sargeson on (



More details can be found in the Fast-Trap Club section of this website.

Thank you for your interest, good shooting in 2024!

Regards from,

Mike Sargeson the Cheshire CPSA Fast-Trap Team Manager.