Team Managers 2025


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Contact Staffs CPSA using the 'Contact Us' section on this website or via Messenger on our Facebook page


All Round: Steve Kilner

Automatic Ball Trap: Ian Hull

Double Rise: Valerie-Anne Barrow

Down The Line: Valerie-Anne Barrow

English Skeet: Kate Poyser

English Sporting: Martin Butcher

FITASC Sporting: Steve Ward

Helice / ZZ: Paul Bailey

Olympic Skeet: Simon Cox

Olympic Trap: Adam Gutteridge

Single Barrel: Valerie-Anne Barrow

Super Sporting: Neil Hastilow

Universal Trench: Adam Gutteridge



Team Manager Duties (if duly co-opted on to the Committee)


1. Form discipline dependant teams of members to represent Staffordshire at regional Inter-County and national Inter-County competitions.


2. Wherever possible, form teams that represent Staffordshire across all four main shooting Categories: Senior, Veterans, Ladies and Junior.


3. Consider participation in National Inter-County Championship, depending on location and whether those people representing Staffordshire at the WM Area Inter-County Championship wish to compete.  Where possible, Team Managers to canvas opinion on this at the relevant WM Inter-County Championship.


4. Book a County Championship shoot with a suitable venue, if possible, within Staffordshire or in a County within the WM Region.  This should be done with a view to, wherever possible, avoiding clashes with other events that could limit attendance at the County shoot.


5. Where possible and practical to do so, book a County Championship as a stand-alone event, so that levies can be collected (see point 7).


6. Notify the Chairman and Secretary of the date and venue of the shoot so that details can be advertised.


7. Notify the Treasurer of the date and venue of the shoot so that they may make arrangements to collect levies.


8. Encourage participation at the Staffordshire County Championship.


9. Use appropriate selection criteria, such as a one-off event (e.g. County Championship), CPSA averages, selection shoots or a combination of these to select members for the Inter-County teams.  The selection criteria MUST be clearly publicised on social media channels and the website at the start of each season and the Team Manager must ensure that this is adhered to.


10. Encourage sportsmanlike conduct at all times within the teams.


11. Pass details of winners and any photos to the Chairman and Secretary promptly in a timely manner for publication on social media and ‘Pull! Magazine’, as appropriate.


12. Encourage team practice days at their given discipline.


13. Attend Committee meetings on a regular basis to ensure first hand feedback to members and disseminate any news pertinent to the smooth running and decision-making processes of the Committee.


14. Escalate any issues which impact the teams or the sport to the County Officers for resolution.