LINCOLNSHIRE Website : Team qualification rules






1. To qualify for a place in a Lincolnshire Team, whether for a Regional or National Inter-county event, you must complete an application form and submit a score at the County Championship in the discipline for which you are applying.  Team application forms must be submitted to the team manager before the end of the shoot to qualify for a team place

Additional teams of individuals can enter a National Inter-county event but selected first team members must not be used to make up these team places


2. The scores submitted will establish the team places from the highest working downward.  Any ties to be decided on the final day of the championship by shoot off.  If none of the tied shooters are in attendance at the end of the final day then the “count back” system will be used to determine outcome.  If only one tied shooter is present at the end of the final day, they will automatically take one (or the only) place available with the other tied shooters filling any remaining places or becoming reserves ranked by “count back”

The team selection criteria for each category shall be as follows:

Veteran, Junior and Ladies’ teams shall be selected using the highest scores from each category.  If any of the remaining scores from these categories are greater than any (or some) of the top scores in the open/senior category those scores shall be used in the selection of members for the open/senior team.


Team application forms give the option to enter either the Regional Inter-county event or the National Inter-county event or both and in all cases, the teams shall be selected using the above criteria in order to ensure that the strongest team is fielded in each category


3. Anyone eligible for more than one category has the option to choose their preferred category when completing an application form.  If no nomination is made, the applicant will be entered into their natural category as defined by age and gender.


4. You may choose to enter any category for which you are eligible (see below for age limits) but if you choose a category other than your natural category as defined by age and gender you must submit your application form to the team manager before you shoot.

In the unlikely event that neither the team manager, nor a member of the committee, nor the application forms are available before a shooter leaves the ground, a team application form should be downloaded from the Lincolnshire CPSA website, printed out locally and the completed form left at the ground for the team manager (or committee member) to collect upon their arrival.  Where application forms are not made immediately available to complete at a championship (for any reason) and it is not possible to download an application form locally, the shooter must contact the team manager (or a member of the committee) detailing their intention to apply for a team place and in which category either directly  or by any other written means of communication.  Contact must be made before 10 pm on the day on which the shooter shot the championship.


5. If, once selected to shoot in a Lincolnshire team, for any reason you are unable to attend the Regional or National Inter-county event, you must advise the relevant team manager at least two weeks prior to the date of the event.  The date of each inter-county event is detailed on the team application forms.


6. Action may be implemented against any shooter selected for a County team who fails to give reasonable notice to the team manager of their decision not to attend the inter-county event.


7. Any action implemented against a shooter will be at the discretion of the County Committee and may be in the form of their withdrawal (or restriction) from future County teams for a period of 12 months.


8. County team members shall be responsible for paying their own entry fees and associated costs when competing at an inter-county shoot except where the County Committee has stated that it will make a contribution.

Please note that you will not be eligible to receive either a subsidised skeet vest (new team members) or an entry contribution until you have attended the relevant team event.  A county skeet vest must be worn when representing the County.  Unless there is a very good reason i.e. the skeet vest was awarded when you were a junior and you have now outgrown it, then failure to wear a county skeet vest may result in the forfeiture of any entry contribution paid by the Committee.


9. To be eligible to shoot in a County team, a shooter must be a fully paid-up member of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Ltd (CPSA)


10. The team managers/committee reserve the right to select team members at their own discretion if any of the above rules cannot be fulfilled.


The number of qualifying shooters to be selected for Regional team events are as follows:


DTL, Sporting, All Round & English skeet

8 Open/seniors      (6 to count)

4 Ladies                (2 to count)

4 Juniors               (2 to count)

4 Veterans            (2 to count)



6 Open/seniors      (4 to count)

4 Ladies                (2 to count)

4 Juniors               (2 to count)

4 Veterans            (2 to count)


The number of qualifying shooters to be selected for National team events are as follows:


DTL, ABT, English skeet, Sporting & All Round

6 Open/seniors      (5 to count)

3 Ladies                (2 to count)

3 Juniors               (2 to count)

3 Veterans            (2 to count)


DEFINITION OF AGE LIMITS (Rule 1.9 Booklet 1) 


Juniors        under 21 on 1st January in the year of competition

Seniors       21 to under 60 on 1st January in the year of competition

Veterans     Must have reached the age of 60 on 1st January in the year of           competition